Category Archives: Haryana

Deputy Commissioners should prepare the data of the entire land of the district as soon as possible: Chief Minister


Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has directed all the Deputy Commissioners to prepare the complete land data of their respective districts as soon as possible under the Land Bank Policy of the State Government.  Apart from this, directions have also been given to get GIS mapping of the identified land done so that all the data can be made available in digital form.

        The Chief Minister was holding a meeting with the Deputy Commissioners regarding the land bank through video conferencing here today.

        While directing the Deputy Commissioners, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the entire land of the district, whether it is owned by Haryana Government, Gram Panchayat, Board or Corporation and private land, should also be assessed in detail.

        He said that the land mapping being done under Swamitva Yojana, Large Scale Mapping Scheme and drone mapping being done in urban areas should also be completed at the earliest, only then the actual land of the district can be assessed.

        He said that the unutilized land lying with various departments will now come under the government and they wil be made a part of the land bank. The land will be owned by the Haryana government.  The land in the land bank can be easily used for development projects.

Make sure to clean the sewerage and drains

        During the meeting, the Chief Minister while giving directions to the Deputy Commissioners said that the rainy season has just started and the rainy season is going to last for the next two months, which is why cleaning of drains should be ensured to prevent water logging in urban areas.

        Apart from this, wherever the condition of the roads is deteriorating due to rains, repair or patching work should be done continuously so that the general public does not face any kind of problem in traffic.

        The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal, Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. DS Dhesi, Additional Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Sh. PK Das, Director, Consolidation and Geo Records Smt Aamna Tasneem, Deputy Commissioner Karnal, Sh. Anish Yadav along with other senior officers.

परिवहन मंत्री ने जिला परिवाद एवं कष्टï निवारण समिति की बैठक में 18 में से किया 15 शिकायतों का मौके पर समाधान


हरियाणा के परिवहन मंत्री मूलचंद शर्मा ने जिला परिवाद एवं कष्टï निवारण समिति की मासिक बैठक में एजेंडा में शामिल 18 में से 15 शिकायतों का मौके पर ही समाधान करवाया। साथ ही उन्होंने निजी बिल्डरों के विरूद्घ मिली शिकायतों पर संबंधित बिल्डरों को कड़े निर्देश दिए कि वे अपनी आवासीय परियोजना में लोगों को नियमानुसार हर प्रकार की मूल सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवायें, अन्यथा उनके खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

लघु सचिवालय में परिवहन मंत्री की अध्यक्षता में आयोजित जिला परिवाद एवं कष्टï निवारण समिति की बैठक में एजेंडा में शामिल शिकायतों के अलावा भी प्रमुखता से लोगों की शिकायतों का निवारण किया गया। एजेंडा में पाश्र्वनाथ बिल्डर्स के विरूद्घ लंबित शिकायत की सुनवाई करते हुए परिवहन मंत्री ने पानी की समस्या के समाधान के लिए किये जा रहे खुदाई के कार्य को समयबद्घता के साथ पूर्ण करने के निर्देश दिए। उन्होंने चेतावनी दी कि लोगों को किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या नहीं होनी चाहिए। इसी प्रकार उन्होंने टीडीआई इस्पेनिया की रेजिडेंट्स वैल्फेयर एसोसिएशन की शिकायत पर संबंधित बिल्डर्स के प्रतिनिधि को सख्त निर्देश दिए कि वे मूल सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवायें। बिजली व्यवस्था को सुदृढ़ करने के लिए जरूरी कार्रवाई 15 दिन के भीतर पूरी करें। साथ ही उन्होंने आम जनमानस को भी प्रोत्साहित किया कि वे हरियाणा सरकार की आवासीय सुविधाओं का लाभ उठायें। निजी बिल्डर्स की शिकायतें रहती हैं। ऐसे में लोगों को एचएसवीपी की ओर कदम बढ़ाने चाहिए जहां कम कीमत में बेहतरीन सुविधाएं सरकार उपलब्ध करवाती है।

प्याऊ मनियारी कुंडली की सपेरा बस्ती के निवासी खन्ना नाथ की शिकायत की संवेदनशीलता के साथ सुनवाई करते हुए परिवहन मंत्री शर्मा ने कहा कि सरकारी जमीन से कब्जे तो हटवाये जायेंगे। किंतु उन्होंने और उपायुक्त ललित सिवाच ने दरियादिली दिखाते हुए निर्देश दिए कि सपेरा बस्ती के लोगों के तुरंत प्रभाव से आधार कार्ड बनवाये जायें, जिसके बाद उनके परिवार पहचान पत्र भी बनवाये जायें। ताकि इन लोगों को सरकार की जन कल्याणकारी योजनाओं का लाभ दिया जा सके। साथ ही उन्होंने भरोसा दिया कि आधार कार्ड बनने के बाद सपेरा बस्ती के लिए आवासीय सुविधा के लिए प्रस्ताव सरकार को प्रेषित कर दिया जाएगा।

परिवहन मंत्री मूलचंद शर्मा ने सेक्टर-15 फेज-3 के निवासियों की लंबित शिकायत के समाधान के लिए अवैध कब्जे हटवाने के निर्देश दिए। हरियाणा शहरी विकास प्राधिकरण के संपदा अधिकारी ने इस संदर्भ में जानकारी दी कि कार्रवाई तीव्र गति पर है और अवैध कब्जे हटाने की समय सीमा भी निर्धारित की जा चुकी है। प्रेम नगर निवासी राजेश कुमारी की अवैध कब्जे हटवाने संबंधी शिकायत के उचित समाधान के लिए उन्होंने उपायुक्त को जांच के निर्देश दिए। इसी प्रकार उन्होंने शास्त्री कालोनी के कृष्ण कुमार व सतपाल आदि की रोड पर अवैध कब्जों की शिकायत के समाधान के लिए निगमायुक्त को जांच के निर्देश दिए।

सुंदर सावरी जटवाड़ा के युवक रवि ने शिकायत दी कि उनके नाम पर उनके एक जानकार ने नौकरी लगवाने का झांसा देकर उनके कागजात ले लिए, जिसके कुछ समय उपरांत उन्हें पता चला कि उनके नाम पर जीएसटी नंबर रजिस्टर्ड हुआ है, जिसके लिए उन्हें तमिलनाडू बुलाया जा रहा है। इस मामले में परिवहन मंत्री ने कड़ा संज्ञान लेते हुए पुलिस अधीक्षक को निर्देश दिए कि वे आरोपी के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज कर कड़ी कार्रवाई करें। कुछ मामलों के समाधान के लिए जांच के लिए उन्होंने जिला परिवाद एवं कष्टï निवारण समिति के सदस्यों की ड्यूटी भी लगाई।

इस दौरान उपायुक्त ललित सिवाच ने एजेंडा के अतिरिक्त मिली शिकायतों के समाधान का पूर्ण विश्वास दिलाया। उन्होंने कहा कि वे लोगों के लिए ही हैं, जिनकी शिकायतों दूर करते हुए बेहतरीन सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाना उनका धर्म भी है और फर्ज भी है।

बैठक में राई हलका विधायक मोहनलाल बड़ौली, सोनीपत के विधायक सुरेंद्र पंवार, नगर निगम के महापौर निखिल मदान, उपायुक्त ललित सिवाच, पुलिस अधीक्षक हिमांशु गर्ग, नगर निगम के आयुक्त धर्मेंद्र सिंह, भाजपा के जिलाध्यक्ष तीर्थ राणा, वरिष्ठï नेता ललित बतरा, जसबीर दोदवा, मनोज जैन, आजाद सिंह नेहरा, गुलशन ठेकेदार, हुक्म सिंह जोगी, निशांत छौक्कर, डा. रामकिशन सरोहा, सोनिया अग्रवाल, योगेश कौशिक, एडवोकेट पवन दुग्गल, विद्याभूषण हसीजा आदि गणमान्य व्यक्तियों सहित अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त शांतनू शर्मा, एसडीएम शशि वसुंंधरा, एसडीएम आशीष वशिष्ठï, एसडीएम सुरेंद्र दून, एसडीएम शिखा आंतिल, नगराधीश डा. अनमोल, डीएसपी विपिन कादयान, डा. अनिल सहरावत, पंकज गौड़, डा. जयकिशोर आदि अधिकारीगण मौजूद थे।  

आवश्यकतानुसार रोडवेज बेड़े में नियमित रूप से करेंगे वृद्घि: मूलचंद शर्मा

जिला परिवाद एवं कष्टï निवारण समिति की बैठक के उपरांत पत्रकारों से विशेष बातचीत करते हुए परिवहन मंत्री मूलचंद शर्मा ने कहा कि जल्द ही हरियाणा रोडवेज के बेड़े में 1000 बसें शामिल की जाएगी, जिसके बाद 800 और बसें सम्मिलित करेंगे। साथ ही उन्होंने नार्वे के दौरे को भी सफल करार देते हुए बताया कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी व मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल का प्रयास है कि इलैक्ट्रिक वाहनों को बढ़ावा दिया जाए। विशेष रूप से एनसीआर में प्रदूषण को कम करने के लिए प्रयास किये जा रहे हैं। जलभराव की स्थिति को लेकर पूछे सवाल के जवाब में उन्होंने कहा कि भाजपा सरकार व्यवस्थाएं सुधार रही है और लोगों को बेहतरीन सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाने के लिए प्रयासरत है। साथ ही उन्होंने ट्रांसफार्मरों को भी उचित ऊंचाई पर व सुरक्षित तरीके से स्थापित करवाने के लिए एकजुट प्रयासों पर बल दिया। इस संदर्भ में पूछे गए सवाल का जवाब देेते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि यह सामूहिक जिम्मेदारी बनती है कि इस प्रकार के मामलों पर ध्यान दिलाया जाए, ताकि कोई दुर्घटना न हो।

Sextortion cases on the rise in country


Beware of that super friendly woman you meet on Istagram or Facebook or What’s app. She could be a member of a gang targeting people into explicit sexual situations and then demanding money not to expose them on public platforms.

One of the victims on the condition of anonymity said that he got a call from unverified numbers and callers posing as Sub-inspector in Delhi Police, asking him to shatter the issue by paying money otherwise compromising pictures or videos will be put on social media platforms.

As per the statistics, sextortion, or extortion using sexual methods, tops the charts in the cybercrime cell of Chandigarh region. In all such cases, stories have emerged of individuals being “lured into recording themselves performing sexual acts” before being blackmailed. The cyber crime investigation cell (CCIC) of Chandigarh Police has advised the people to be careful about video calls from unknown numbers. Sources in the CCIC Chandigarh Police said that the number of sextortion (extortion cases using nude pictures) are increasing. There have been a number of incidents and the victims’ list is increasing. But due to shame or social stigma, the victims often do not report the crimes to police, they added.

When contacted, Mohali based cyber expert said that people who often get connected with strangers through social media or even gaming apps are targets of these crimes. It begins with offers of friendship but soon leads to sharing of compromising pictures or videos that are used for blackmail. The victims of such crimes belong to all age groups. Victims of such crimes are unwilling to come forward and report them to the police for fear of embarrassment or disrepute it might bring. However, the best and surest way of bringing such cases under control is to report them to the authorities, he added.

He further said, “The modus operandi of the gangs is to create fake accounts posing as girls on social media platforms and lure men, most of whom were rich with high-profile backgrounds. While posing as girls on social media, the accused took the victims into confidence and insist on starting obscene video chats, which they would then record. Then they blackmail the victims with the recorded videos and extort money from them. The person behind the profile is actually a criminal whose main motive is to extort money from the victim. These fake profiles are deliberately made to look very attractive so that people fall prey to this scam easily, he added.

Constable Rajnish, who posted at Panchkula cybercrime cell, said that the cases of cheating people into indulging in virtual sex and recording them to extort money from them have seen a spike during the last one year. Over dozen such cases have been reported in Panchkula district. “We have detected a few such cases and found the culprits to be from Rajasthan and the northern belt. Recently, Panchkula police Station, Sector 20 have arrested the person, native of Alwar, Rajasthan involved in sextortion. “We have urged people to report any cybercrime cases at the earliest in order to ease the detection process. Victim can register compliant at local police station or through on toll free number 1930 or website,” he added.   

Besides raising issues related to Haryana in RS, will work in sectors-edu, health, sports: Kartikeya Sharma


The newly elected Rajya Sabha member Kartikeya Sharma said that besides raising issues related to Haryana in the Upper House of the Parliament, he will work in sectors like education, sports, job generation and health to provide better facilities to the common people of the State.

Sharma said that he was influenced by the policies of PM Narendra Modi and have come into politics only after being influenced by him and so will support BJP in the Rajya Sabha.

Media baron Sharma, who made his debut in politics by being elected straight to the Rajya Sabha in a nail-biting contest, expressed his special thanks to the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala, BJP-JJP MLAs and independent MLAs for the support. He also expressed his gratitude to Congress rebel Kuldeep Bishnoi whose vote tilted the contest in his favour.

A businessman and a media proprietor by profession, 41-year-old Sharma did his B.Sc (Honours) in Business Management from Oxford University and his Masters in Business Administration from King’s College, London. Sharma set up the iTV network in 2007 which operates various English and Hindi news channels and vernacular dailies.

He further said, “I have entered politics just a few weeks back, but have experience in the field of education, sports and youth affairs. I have been involved in social events and activities for the last many years. I filed for the Rajya Sabha seat because I wanted to use my experience and work for the people of the State. Leaders of BJP, JJP, Independent candidates and some Congress MLAs supported me in this election and won. I will work on the above issues and raise the voice of Haryana in the Upper House of Parliament.”

Talking to reporters, Kartikeya further said, “I will work for the youth of the State. My focus will be on providing vocational training to youth, quality education in schools, colleges; alternate job employment for youth and opportunities to be created which are not to be dependent on the State only for government jobs, among others. I have been working with multiple sectors including sports for the last seven years. Healthcare facilities in rural areas and enhancing Sports facilities will be other topmost priorities.  I will raise all the issues of the people related to Haryana, be it SYL (Satluj Yamuna Link) among others in the Upper House.”

He further said, “I have worked in many sectors like education and unemployment extensively. We can do a lot in these areas which are the need of the hour. We need to work on creating opportunities for the youth. We need to understand our problems, and strength and come out with a solution to generate jobs. Private jobs have more scope when compared to government jobs. For the last 5 years, I have been working to provide employment to the youth and am confident that I will work with the central government to provide more employment opportunities to the youth. Many companies have come into the education sector and are making a lot of money out of this business.”

Kartikeya further said that like other RS members, I will adopt Ambala district. All the issues pertaining to the people of this district will be addressed. Ambala people dream that the Institute of Management and Technology should be established in Ambala. The people here have been aspiring to this dream for the last decade. I respect the sentiments of the people and have full faith that the BJP government will get IMT developed in Ambala. I will raise the demand for establishing IMT in Ambala in the Rajya Sabha also and will also make personal efforts for it.”

Health facilities like radiological tests to HIV patients in state under Public Private Partnership mode


Haryana Government has decided to provide free health facilities like radiological tests to HIV patients in the state under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. Thus, the HIV patients have been included in seven categories of the State which are being provided various health facilities free of cost under PPP mode.

Sharing information in this regard, an official spokesperson of the Health Department informed that the Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has approved a proposal to this effect. Thus, all the laboratory and radiological tests, including USG, CT Scan and MRI which are provided in Government Hospitals under PPP mode will be available free of cost to HIV patients.

Listing the categories, the spokesperson said in Haryana these seven categories namely, BPL and Urban Slum patients of Haryana, Patients receiving Handicap Allowance from the State Government, Poor patient who do not belong to any free category, patients belonging to SC category, patients belonging to economically weaker section, unattended victim of roadside accident, and State Government Employees, Pensioners, and Dependents are being provided services under PPP mode free of cost at various health facilities as per the reservation policy. He stated that HIV patients have been included in it as the eighth category.

Sharing more information in this regard he elaborated that at present around 22,000 patients suffering from HIV are taking Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). In addition, there is also an increase of approximately 300 patients per month. As per the information received from ART Centre, PGIMS, Rohtak, the requirement of radiological investigations for HIV patients is approximately only about 2 to 3 per cent of the total number of such patients. Thus, about 700 to 800 HIV patients in the State would require radiological investigations during their management on yearly basis. Moreover, on the basis of the present prevailing rates of various radiological investigations in the Centres being run under PPP mode at various public health facilities in the State the estimate of the expenditure will be about Rs 70 lakh per patient per annum.

The spokesperson said that the approximate budget of such investigations being provided to the seven categories free of cost under PPP mode by the State Government is Rs 45 crore. He added that the expenditure of Rs 70 lakh per annum per patient to be spent on HIV patients may be met from the existing funds.

Proposal to install solar panels on canals across Haryana: Power Minister


Haryana Power Minister, Sh. Ranjit Singh said that the state government is paying special attention to use solar energy in the state. The Power Department is preparing a proposal to set up power plants through solar panels to be installed on canals across the state. Apart from this, state government has also proposed to install solar panels at Fatehabad branch.

        The Power Minister was presiding over the District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (D-Plan) meeting held at Fatehabad today.

        Power Minister, Sh. Ranjit Singh said that paddy stubble based plants will be set up at four places in the state for power generation. Out of these, a plant will also be set up in Fatehabad. He said that these plants will not only generate electricity but also produce compressed bio gas.

        Approval of development works in the meeting of District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee

        The meeting of District Development and Monitoring Committee (D-Plan) held under the Chairmanship of Haryana Power Minister, Sh. Ranjit Singh approved works worth Rs.14.86 crore.

        The Power Minister directed the officers that development works should be completed within the stipulated time frame so that the accorded grant does not lapse. He added that no compromise on quality will be tolerated. The officers of the Department should expedite the construction works under D-Plan. He also directed to inspect the construction work from time to time. 

He said that in order to take this project forward, all the departments should maintain mutual coordination. If there is any problem anywhere, it should be brought to their notice. Under the District Development Plan, an amount of Rs. 14.86 crore will be spent on various development works in the financial year 2022-23.

He said that out of the total amount, around Rs. 11.55 crore will be spent in rural areas and Rs. 3.30 crore in urban areas.

        Fatehabad MLA, Sh. Dura Ram, Ratia MLA, Sh. Lakshman Napa and Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Pradeep Kumar were present in the meeting.

Haryana Police arrests two interstate arms suppliers


Haryana Police has arrested two interstate arms suppliers and seized 4 pistols, 3 desi katta and 7 magazines from their possession in Nuh district.

Sharing the information here today, the Haryana Police spokesperson informed that arrested accused were identified as Gurvinder and Manjeet, both residents of district Bharatpur in Rajashtan.

A police team received secret information that two youth, who supplies illegal weapons, would come to Firozpur Jhirka from Rajasthan to supply illegal weapons on a motorcycle to an unknown person. Subsequently, a police team established a naka and apprehended them. On checking of their bag, 4 pistols, 3 desi katta and 7 magazines were recovered from them.

After the registration of a case against them, Police is investigating to find out the source from where the accused had bought these weapons and the destination they were heading to supply the same.

HARCOFED observes 100th International Cooperative Day


Haryana State Cooperative Development Federation Ltd-HARCOFED observed 100th International Day of Cooperatives in Panchkula, today.

        On this occasion, Ms. Geeta Bharti, Registrar Cooperative Societies, Haryana highlighted the contribution of women in strengthening the PACS and further said that now with the creation of a cooperative department at national level, the upliftment of the cooperative sector will be ensured.

        While congratulating the people present at the function, she said that women in rural areas have a heartfelt connection with milk cooperative societies which will surely strengthen milk societies in Haryana. Moreover, it also generates additional income for their family.

        She further said that the PACS should not be confined only to the task of supplying fertilizers, and seeds, but they should adopt multi-faceted functions by making the committees multi-purpose. Ms. Bharti said that special attention is being paid to the promotion of cooperatives in the state and in future, a program of senior officers should be organized at least in a week so that the difficulties being faced by the institutions can be easily removed.

        Ms. Bharti said that if there is any problem before the cooperative societies, milk cooperative societies, marketing societies, etc. She is always available for its redressal so that the slogan of ‘Sahakar Se Samadhi’ can be realized. 

        Earlier, Ms. Kavita Dhankhar, Managing Director, HARCOFED welcomed the participating officers and members and highlighted the activities and achievements of the cooperative movement across the state.

        Mr. Rahul Uppal, Managing Director, HARCO Bank said that with the creation of a separate cooperative department in the country, a new energy has been infused in the cooperative sector and cooperatives are now being considered the third pillar.

        On this occasion, Mr. Munishwar Chandra, Additional Registrar (Retd.) Punjab, B.K. Bedi, NABARD, Col. Ashish Mohan Agarwal, Regional Director, NCDC, Ashok Verma, General Manager, Co-operative Bank Ambala, and Yashveer, Manager, HARCO Bank also expressed their views on the subject.

Services of retired teachers of the state will be taken under ‘Sugam Shiksha’


Haryana Government has decided that the vacant posts in government schools of the state will be filled through retired teachers of the state.

The Education Department has withdrawn the letter issued earlier in this regard. A spokesperson of the Education Department said that the Education Department will soon issue guidelines for taking the services of retired teachers under ‘Sugam Shiksha’ scheme.

For this, apart from retired teachers from Haryana State government schools, now services of retired guest teachers from government schools and retired teachers from private recognized aided schools of Haryana state will be taken.

13 killed, 2 injured as bus falls into gorge in Kullu; Haryana CM expresses grief over road accident


Thirteen passengers were killed and two others injured after a bus fell into a gorge in Himachal Pradesh’s Kullu district on Monday, officials said. Initial reports had put the death toll at 16.

The bus was on its way to Kullu from Shainsher when it fell into the gorge at a hairpin bend near Jangla village around 8.30 am, the officials said. Dead Jhablu Devi’s brother-in-law Tej Prakash alleged callous attitude on the part of the authorities in rescuing the victims.

“It took almost three hours to take Jhablu Devi from the accident site to the hospital. Had the administration acted swiftly, some lives could have been saved,” he said. Twelve of the 13 dead have been identified as Tanu, Prem Chand, Fateh Chand, Anita Devi, Susheel Kumar, Khim Dasi, Roshi Devi, Parvati Devi, Jhablu Devi, Amit Kumar Rajak,  Aaksh and Rakhi Maya.

The injured were admitted to the Kullu regional hospital for treatment. The president and the prime minister have condoled the loss of lives in the accident. President Ram Nath Kovind said he was distressed to learn about the death of students and other people in the accident. Condoling the loss of lives, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced Rs 2 lakh each for the next of kin of those who died. The injured will be given Rs 50,000 each, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a tweet. Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur also expressed grief over the tragic bus accident.

Thakur said a magisterial inquiry has been ordered and the Kullu ADM will probe the whole incident. The CM said Rs 5 lakh will be provided to the next of the kin of the each dead whereas Rs 15,000 will be provided as immediate relief to the each injured. He said free treatment will also be given to the injured persons. Thakur thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for approving an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh for the kin of the each dead and Rs 50,000 for the each injured.  

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday expressed shock at the road accident that took place in the Sainj Valley of Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. The Chief Minister stated in a tweet that the news of this tragic incident is disturbing and the entire nation is with the bereaved families in their hour of grief. He prayed that God may grant peace to the departed souls and wished speedy recovery to the injured.

        This incident happened on Monday morning when a private bus met with an accident in Sainj Valley of Kullu district. There were many people travelling on this bus, out of which some died while some were badly injured.