IEP Chandigarh, April 5
In a bid to give a big push to hire local youth from the State and further to attract investment, Haryana has decided to increased the Employment Generation Subsidy under Haryana Enterprises and Employment Policy (HEEP)-2020 from Rs. 36000 to Rs. 48,000 per employee per annum for 10 years in ‘B’ ‘C’ & `D’ category blocks. This increase will be fixed.State Cabinet which met under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal here today accorded approval to a proposal regarding the same.The Cabinet has also approved capping the Net SGST Reimbursement/Investment Subsidy at 50 percent so that the maximum Net SGST reimbursement will be 50 percent of the total net SGST paid by the investor firm.The Employment Generation Subsidy was suggested to be provided for capacity building of State domicile skilled/semi-skilled/un-skilled employees having Haryana Resident Certificate who are earning not more than Rs. 40,000 per month as salary on payroll or contract with valid ESI/PF number. However after the Cabinet approval now this subsidy will be fixed at Rs. 48,000 per employee per annum for 10 years in ‘B’ ‘C’ & `D’ category blocks.Further, after the approval of the Council of Minister’s the change in the Quantum of SGST and Employment Generation subsidy will be applicable for industries who have gone into commercial production on or after April, 1, 2023.While, for Industries who have already applied and are availing incentives under SGST and the Employment Generation Scheme, the quantum may remain same as earlier mentioned in the policy.Further, the quantum of incentives under SGST and Employment Generation Scheme for Mega projects and Ultra-Mega projects approved under the Haryana Enterprises Promotion Board before April, 1, 2023 will also remain same as approved by the board.Haryana amended the Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules, 1964Philanthropic societies or charitable institutions who want to establish Gaushala, Biogas Plant, Panchgavya products, Veterinary Hospital and Research and Training Centre and for the cultivation of fodder will now be able to get the Shamilat deh land on lease basis for a period of upto 20 years as the Government has amended rule 6, sub-rule (2A) of Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Rules, 1964. In a Gaushala, the lessee shall have to house and maintain atleast 50% stray cattle of the total cattle population at all points of time during the lease period.A decision to this regard was taken in the meeting of Council of Ministers, chaired by Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal held here today. These rules may be called the Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Haryana Amendment Rules, 2023.After the said amendment, now the Gram Panchayat will be allowed to lease out its land by way of allotment for a period upto 20 years at the rate not less than Rs. 5100 per acre per year to charitable organization, with a history of philanthropic contributions to society and whose antecedents have been verified and which is recommended by the District Level Committee and the Haryana Gau Sewa Aayog.Any land in shamilat deh will be allowed to be leased out for establishment of gaushala in the ratio of 0.75 acre for every 100 cattle (minimum 50% must be stray cattle) proposed to be housed after construction of gaushala. Any land in shamilat deh will be allowed to be leased out @ 2 acres land to a gaushala having 1500 cattle (minimum 50% must be stray cattle) for the purposes such as Biogas Plant, Panchgavya Products, Veterinary Hospital, Research & Training Centre only.The lands earmarked for charand will be allowed to be leased out for the cultivation of fodder by gaushala in the ratio of 1.5 acres for every 100 cattle (minimum 50% must be stray cattle) proposed to be housed after the construction of gaushala.