IEP Chandigarh, June 12
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that Foreign Service Department has been constituted in the state, which is assisting in providing employment opportunities to the youth of the state. Apart from this, new initiatives are being taken to raise the standard of living of the citizens of the state and make them economically empowered. The Chief Minister was meeting Indian Foreign Service officers here today. The Chief Minister said that effective steps are being taken to promote industry, trade and tourism in the state so that maximum employment opportunities can be created for the youth of the state. He said that Haryana started ambitious schemes like Parivar Pehchan Patra, Property ID etc. These schemes are being followed and appreciated in other states as well. Apart from this, the government is making tireless efforts to increase the annual income of such families which are below Rs. 1.80 lakhs. The Chief Minister said that e-tendering process has been started to get development works done in panchayats. Positive results are coming out of this process. This initiative is eliminating corruption and ensuring transparency in rural development. Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority have been constituted to beautify the ponds of the state. Through this, work is being done to rejuvenate all the ponds across the state. The Chief Minister said that Mera Pani-Meri Virasat Yojana has been implemented for water conservation. Farmers are being encouraged to adopt crop diversification and reduce the yield of paddy. Apart from this, special focus is being laid on Aspiration District Mewat so that people can be benefited to the maximum. It is worth mentioning that a team of IFS officers is on a tour of the state for five days to get information about public welfare and developmental schemes of the government. These include Sh. Prem Chand, First Secretary, Embassy of Abu Dhabi, 1995 batch, Sh. Manoj Sharma, First Secretary, Embassy of India, 1995 batch,Shr. Pradeep Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, 1997 batch. The officers will gather detailed information regarding social and economic development including health, nutrition and financial inclusion. Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. DS Dhesi, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V. Umashankar, Special Secretary Parliamentary Affairs, Sh. Prabhjot Singh, Advisor to Foreign Services Department, Sh. Pawan Chaudhary were also present on the occasion.