To mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Punjab Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Balbir Singh on Monday joined hundreds of people in taking pledge titled “Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs” for making drug-free world during an event organised by Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib (Himachal Pradesh). The event was organised at Sukhna Lake here to raise awareness about the harmful effects of drug abuse.The Health Minister, who was accompanied by International shooter Gauri Sheron, Director of Akal Drug De-Addiction Centres Dr (Col) Rajinder Singh and President of Kalgidhar Trust Dr Davinder Singh also took part in the massive ‘Hand Impression Campaign against Drug Abuse’, where approximately 300 participants, including children, staff, and the general public, left their colourful hand impressions on a 20-foot canvas. This symbolic gesture represented their united stand against drug abuse and their determination to eradicate this menace from society.Dr Balbir Singh, while terming the drug addiction as a vicious trap, said that with changing lifestyles, people— especially youth and school children— are falling into the trap of drugs as their families do not spend quality time with them leading them to depression and anxiety. “Nowadays, parents could buy their children all the luxuries including gadgets and fancy vehicles, but they don’t spend quality time with them, which is the wrong attitude,” he said, while asking parents to introspect.Human beings are social animals, who don’t need money and luxuries, but quality time with the family, he said, while urging parents to have at least one meal with their children.The Health Minister urged people to show sympathy and empathy towards drug addicts or patients of substance use disorders. “If we get to know anyone in our neighbourhood consuming drugs, we should ask them why they are doing this and should lend a helping hand by exhorting them to do meditation, exercise or yoga,” he said.Dr (Col) Rajinder Singh, who is also a renowned social activist and psychiatrist emphasised on the importance of saying no to drugs and embracing a drug-free life. Dr Davinder Singh expressed his gratitude to all the participants and attendees for their active involvement in raising awareness about drug abuse.Meanwhile, Students from Akal College of Nursing performed a mime act that vividly portrayed the detrimental effects of drug abuse.