Category Archives: Haryana

CM vehemently opposes move of GOI to again land plane carrying deported Indians at Amritsar

मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय, पंजाब

मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा अमेरिका से डिपोर्ट हुए भारतीयों को लाने वाले विमान को फिर से अमृतसर में उतरने संबंधी केंद्र के फैसले का जोरदार विरोध

मोदी सरकार द्वारा पंजाब और पंजाबियों की छवि को खराब करने की गहरी साजिश बताया

गैर-कानूनी इमीग्रेशन राष्ट्रीय समस्या

’अपने आपको विश्व गुरु’ कहने वाले मोदी भारतीयों के अधिकारों को सुरक्षित रखने में असफल रहे

जंजीरों में जकड़कर भारतीयों को उनकी मातृभूमि पर भेजकर ट्रम्प ने मोदी को वापसी का तोहफा दिया

अमृतसर, 14 फरवरीः

भारत सरकार द्वारा अमेरिका से गैर-कानूनी प्रवासी भारतीयों को लेकर आ रहे विमान को अमृतसर हवाई अड्डे पर उतारने के फैसले का जोरदार विरोध करते हुए पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री भगवंत सिंह मान ने इस कदम को पंजाब और पंजाबियों को बदनाम करने की केंद्र सरकार की गहरी साजिश बताया।

आज यहां पत्रकारों से बातचीत करते हुए मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि पंजाब को भारत के लिए सबसे ज्यादा अनाज पैदा करने वाला और देश की खड़गभुजा के रूप में जाना जाता है, लेकिन भाजपा की अगुआई वाली सरकार ने सूबे को बदनाम करने में कोई कसर बाकी नहीं छोड़ी। उन्होंने कहा कि अमेरिका से डिपोर्ट किए गए भारतीयों को लेकर आने वाले विमान को अमृतसर में उतारना भारत सरकार की विश्व स्तर पर पंजाब की छवि को खराब करने की एक सोची समझी साजिश है। भगवंत सिंह मान ने विदेश मंत्रालय द्वारा अमृतसर को यह विमान उतारने के लिए चुनने पर सवाल उठाया जब देश में सैकड़ों अन्य हवाई अड्डे हैं।

मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि वह पहले ही विदेश मंत्रालय और गृह मंत्रालय के पास यह मुद्दा उठा चुके हैं, लेकिन उनसे कोई सकारात्मक जवाब नहीं मिला। उन्होंने कहा कि कुछ दिन पहले भी एक विमान अमृतसर उतरा था और अब दो अन्य विमानों को बिना किसी ठोस तर्क के उतारा जा रहा है। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि पंजाबियों को इस लिए निशाना बनाया जा रहा है क्योंकि प्रधानमंत्री और उनकी पार्टी पंजाबियों को पसंद नहीं करती, जबकि यह सच भी इतिहास के पन्नों में दर्ज है कि भारतीय आजादी संघर्ष के दौरान शहीद हुए, जेलों में बंद हुए या निर्वासित किए गए 90 फ़ीसदी से अधिक लोग पंजाब से थे।

मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि विदेश मंत्रालय की यह नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है कि वह स्पष्ट करे कि पंजाब खासकर अमृतसर को ही क्यों चुना गया। उन्होंने कहा कि पड़ोसी दुश्मन देश अमृतसर से 40 किलोमीटर दूर होने के बावजूद अमेरिका का एक सैन्य विमान यहां उतारा जा रहा है। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि जब राज्य सरकार यहां अंतरराष्ट्रीय उड़ानों की शुरुआत करने की मांग करती है तो कई बेकार कारणों के चलते मांग को रद्द कर दिया जाता है।

मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि राज्य की छवि को खराब करने के लिए डिपोर्ट किए गए लोगों को लेकर जाने वाले विमान को बिना किसी तर्क के यहां उतारा जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर बांग्लादेश के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना को लेकर जाने वाले विमान को हिंडन हवाई अड्डे पर उतारा जा सकता है और राफेल जेट को अंबाला में उतारा जा सकता है, तो इस विमान को देश के किसी अन्य हिस्से में क्यों नहीं उतारा जा सकता। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि गैर-कानूनी इमीग्रेशन सिर्फ पंजाब की ही समस्या नहीं है, बल्कि यह एक राष्ट्रीय समस्या है और इससे यह अनुमान लगाया जा रहा है कि पंजाब ही इससे बुरी तरह प्रभावित है, इसलिए सिर्फ पंजाबियों को ही अमेरिका से डिपोर्ट किया जा रहा है।

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी पर निशाना साधते हुए मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि ‘अपने आपको विश्व गुरु’ बताने वाले भारतीयों के अधिकारों की सुरक्षा में असफल रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि यह देश की विदेश नीति की बड़ी असफलता है क्योंकि जिस समय मोदी अपने दोस्त डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प के साथ हाथ मिला रहे थे, उसी समय जंजीरों में जकड़े भारतीयों को फौजी के जहाज द्वारा डिपोर्ट किया जा रहा था। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि इस दौरे में अपनी आत्म-प्रशंसा के अलावा मोदी ने कुछ भी नहीं हासिल किया और ट्रम्प ने जंजीरों में जकड़े भारतीयों को उनकी मातृभूमि पर भेजकर मोदी को वापसी का तोहफा दिया है।

मुख्यमंत्री ने दुख व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि यह दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि भारत सरकार डिपोर्ट किए गए इन भारतीयों की सम्मानजनक वापसी को सुनिश्चित नहीं कर सकी। उन्होंने कहा कि हमारे देश के यह बच्चे पिछले सात दशकों से देश में प्रचलित इस प्रणाली के शिकार हो रहे हैं जहां गैर-कानूनी प्रवास ने अपने पैर पसारे हैं। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि यह बहुत शर्मनाक है कि संकट के इस क्षण में उनका साथ देने के बजाय, मोदी सरकार ने उन्हें अनदेख कर दिया है जो कि बिलकुल भी जायज़ नहीं है।

मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि देश पर लौटने पर इन भाइयों-बहनों का सम्मान किया जाना चाहिए था और भारत सरकार को उन्हें वापस लाने के लिए अपना विमान भेजना चाहिए था। उन्होंने कहा कि उनकी सम्मानजनक वापसी को सुनिश्चित करने की बजाए केंद्र सरकार ने भारतीयों को ज़लील किया है, जिसके लिए उन्हें कभी भी माफ नहीं किया जा सकता। भगवंत सिंह मान ने कहा कि पंजाबी हमेशा केंद्र सरकार की खराब नीतियों के खिलाफ खड़े रहे हैं, इसलिए भाजपा और इसकी सरकार पंजाबियों से नफरत करती है और उन्हें बदनाम करने की साजिशें रचने पर तुली हुई है।


CM vehemently opposes move of GOI to again land plane carrying deported Indians at Amritsar

Terms it as a move of Modi Government to tarnish image of Punjab and Punjabis

Describes illegal immigration as a national problem

Slams Modi as self proclaimed global leader’, who has failed to secure rights of Indians

Asserts that chained Indians deported to their native land are a return gift by Trump to Modi

Amritsar, February 14:

Vehemently Opposing the move of Government of India to land plane carrying deported Indians at Amritsar airport, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Friday described it as a conspiracy of union government to defame Punjab and Punjabis.

Interacting with the media persons here today, the Chief Minister said that despite of Punjab being food bowl and sword arm of India, BJP led government has started a tirade to defame state. He said that the move to land plane carrying deported Indians from US in Amritsar is just another attempt of the Government of India to tarnish image of Punjab globally. Bhagwant Singh Mann questioned the move of MEA to choose Amritsar for landing these this plane here whereas there are hundreds of other airports in the country.

The Chief Minister said that he has already raised this issue with the MEA and MHA but hasn’t received any positive response from them. He said that one plane had landed a few days back and now two more planes are being landed without any proper justification. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that Punjabis are being targeted because Prime Minister and his party doesn’t like them despite of the fact that more than 90% of people martyred, jailed or exiled during Indian freedom struggle were from Punjab.

The Chief Minister said that it is the moral responsibility of the MEA to explain why Punjab especially Amritsar has been chosen for this landing. He said that despite of fact that a hostile neighbour is 40 kilometres away from Amritsar, an Army plane of US is being landed here. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that when the state government demands starting of international flights from here then the demand is declined by citing several frivolous reasons.

However, the Chief Minister said that to tarnish the image of state the plane carrying deportees is being landed here without any rationale. He said that if the plane carrying former Prime Minister of Bangladesh Shiekh Haseena can be landed at Hindon air port and Rafale jet can land in Ambala then why can’t be this plane taken to any other part of country. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that illegal immigration is not only the problem of Punjab but it is a national problem whereas projection is being made that Punjab is severely affected by this so only Punjabis are being deported from United States.

Training his guns against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister quipped that the ‘self proclaimed global leader’ has failed to secure rights of Indians. He said that it is the failure of foreign policy of the country as when Modi was shaking hand with his friend Donald Trump, at the same time the chained Indians were being deported through Army plane. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that  except his self glorification Modi has gained nothing for the  country in his trip and the chained Indians deported to their native land are a return gift by Trump to Modi.

The Chief Minister bemoaned that it is unfortunate that the Government of India has not been able to ensure dignified return of these hapless Indians. He said that these children of our country are a victim  of the system that has prevailed in the country in last seven decades where illegal migration has flexed its muscles. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that it is shameful that instead of standing for them in this hour of crisis, the Modi government has abandoned them which is not at all justified.

The Chief Minister said that these brothers and sisters should have been received gracefully  and the Government of India should have sent its own plane to bring them back. He said that instead of ensuring their dignified return the Government of India has humiliated the Indians for which they can be never forgiven. Bhagwant Singh Mann reiterated as Punjabis have always stood against the regressive policies of the Union government so BJP and its government hates Punjabis and is hell bent upon hatching the conspiracies to defame them.

Union Government approves Rs. 6,797 crore for various power projects in Haryana under Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS): Hry Energy Minister

Chandigarh, February 14

Haryana Energy Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that the Union Government has sanctioned Rs. 6,797 crore for various power projects in Haryana under the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). This includes sanctioned for works worth Rs. 3,638.21 crore for system modernization and smart distribution in the Gurugram and Faridabad districts.

Notably, the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at enhancing the financial viability and operational efficiency of the power distribution sector.

Sh.  Anil Vij shared that the scheme includes works such as inviting tenders for smart metering, starting the installation of prepaid smart meters, and other related tasks. The financial viability of distribution utilities is crucial for the entire power sector value chain.

Prepare supplementary list of final published voter list of municipal bodies: State Election Commissioner to DCs

Chandigarh, February 14

Haryana State Election Commissioner Sh. Dhanpat Singh has issued instructions to all concerned Deputy Commissioners in view of the Urban Local Body elections that they should prepare the supplementary voter list of the final published voter list of the concerned Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council and Municipality.

The State Election Commissioner said while preparing the supplementary list, the officers should ensure including complete details of deceased voters, names included, names deleted and voters transferred from one ward to another. The supplementary voter list will be made available to the concerned presiding officer at the time of polling so that the possibility of double voting can be avoided.

Haryana State Enforcement Bureau Cracks Down on Illegal Mining

Chandigarh, February 14

The Haryana State Enforcement Bureau has intensified its crackdown on illegal mining, registering 238 cases and arresting 136 individuals in January 2025. During this period, the Bureau team conducted raids at 582 locations across the state concerning the illegal mining of soil/sand/gravel, seizing 258 vehicles on the spot.

Under the efficient leadership of Director General of Police Shatrujeet Kapur, the Bureau launched a campaign against illegal activities, particularly illegal mining. In this sequence, a fine of Rs 127.86 lakh was imposed on the land mafia involved in illegal mining in January 2025, out of which Rs 63.54 lakh was recovered in the same month (January 2025), and the process of recovering the outstanding fine is ongoing.

The Enforcement Bureau team, taking action against the land mafia involved in illegal mining in district Panchkula, seized 16 vehicles in a single day, including 13 dumpers, one poklane machine, and 2 hydras, and took legal action against the accused. According to the information received, it was revealed that these land mafias, under the guise of valid mining, illegally mined up to 16 feet and stole 94112 DJS of minerals. The department has imposed a fine of Rs 3 crore 70 lakh 43 thousand 600 on the accused.

In 2024, the Bureau, while running a campaign against illegal activities related to 6 departments, 49017 vehicles were checked with the help of transport department , out of which 29281 vehicles were seized. Action was taken against these vehicles by imposing a fine of more than Rs 100 crore 70 lakh.

It is noteworthy that the State Enforcement Bureau was constituted by the Haryana government in the state on July 22, 2023, and since then, the Bureau has been actively working and systematically working against illegal activities. Special campaigns are also conducted by the Enforcement Bureau from time to time, in which the Enforcement Bureau team conducts raids at different places and takes action against illegal activities. He informed that at present, cases related to 6 departments have been taken up by the Enforcement Bureau, which include cases like illegal mining, action against those who steal electricity, prevent water theft, take action against those who smuggle liquor, take action against those who occupy government properties, cutting illegal colonies, etc. At present, 22 police stations of the Enforcement Bureau are being operated in Haryana, where cases related to these departments are registered and action is taken.

In 2024, the State Enforcement Bureau team, formed with the objective of preventing illegal activities, inspected 5792 mining sites. In this case, 1169 cases were registered and 1117 people were arrested and action was taken against them. Out of these, 801 FIRs have been disposed of. He also informed that in the year 2024, 1493 vehicles were found involved in illegal mining related activities by the Enforcement Bureau team. The Bureau imposed a fine of Rs 11 crore 64 lakh on these vehicles, out of which Rs 8 crore 45 lakh was collected as fine.

Similarly, in the year 2024, 39398 FIRs were registered by the Bureau regarding illegal activities related to the electricity corporation, out of which 31110 FIRs were disposed of by the Bureau. He said that an amount of more than Rs 86 crore 81 lakh has been recovered by the Bureau team in the year 2024 regarding cases related to power theft in the state. He informed that in the year 2024, 439 demolition drives were conducted by the Town and Country Planning Department against encroachments, in reference to which 930 FIRs were registered. In this case, 373 people were arrested by the Bureau. He informed that 1404 cases related to the Irrigation Department have been registered by the Bureau, out of which 1240 cases have been disposed of. The Bureau has recovered an amount of Rs 20 lakh 79 thousand in this regard.

Similarly, while taking action against liquor smugglers, the Bureau inspected 12576 sites in the year 2024. In this regard, 659 FIRs were registered by the Bureau, out of which 586 FIRs have been disposed of. In this case, 708 accused were arrested while 90 vehicles were seized. In the year 2024, 6648 liters of raw liquor, 3968.6 liters of lahan, 48110.3 liters of English liquor, 35184.2 liters of country liquor and 12711.8 liters of beer were recovered by the Enforcement Bureau.

Mr. Kapur said that the campaign against illegal mining will continue in the future as well. A policy of zero tolerance will be adopted against such people and strict action will be taken. He also appealed to the general public to ensure that they provide information related to illegal mining to the Enforcement Bureau. The name of the person giving the information will be kept confidential.

Adequate availability of fertilizers will be ensured, assures Hry CM

Chandigarh, February 14

Haryana Chief Minister Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said the state government will not let there be any shortage of fertilizers for crops of farmers. Fertilizers are being made available to farmers across the state as per requirement. He directed the officials to immediately make urea available in all Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) across the state.

The Chief Minister today took suo motu cognizance of the news related to shortage of urea and DAP in the media and directed the officials of the Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department to make adequate quantity of fertilizers available in all the districts of the state so that the production of crops is not affected.

Following the orders of the Chief Minister, the department officials said adequate quantity of fertilizers is available in the state. Urea fertilizer is also being made available in all PACS as per the increased need of the farmers. Apart from this, IFFCO and KRIBHCO managers have also been instructed to provide urea fertilizer as per demand in all PACS.

The Chief Minister said the interest of farmers is paramount for him and the state government is making efforts to get them fair prices for everything – from fertilizers and seeds to crops.

The Chief Minister said Haryana is the first state in the country where every grain of all crops is purchased at MSP. We have given the farmers the facility to make e-gate pass from home through e-kharid application to sell their crops in the market, he added.

Sh. Nayab Singh Saini reiterated the commitment of the state government in the interest of farmers and said he himself is a farmer, so he understands the pain and need of the farmers. He will not let the hard-earned money of the farmers go waste. His doors are always open for farmers.

Lok Sabha Speaker inaugurates a two-day orientation programme at Haryana Vidhan Sabha

Chandigarh, February 14

Lok Sabha Speaker, Sh. Om Birla said that under the leadership of Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini, Haryana is continuously progressing on the path of development. Whether it is infrastructural development or the social and economic landscape, Haryana is making strides in every sector today, he said.

The Lok Sabha Speaker was speaking at the inaugural session of the two-day Orientation Programme organized for the Members of the 15th Legislative Assembly of Haryana in the State Legislature Premises, Chandigarh, on Friday. Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini, Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker Sardar Kultar Singh Sandhwan, Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Speaker Sh. Satish Mahana, Haryana Vidhan Sabha Deputy Speaker Dr. Krishan Lal Middha, and MLA Sh. B.B. Batra attended the programme.

The said Orientation Programme is being organised by the Parliamentary Research and Training Institute for Democracies (PRIDE), Lok Sabha Secretariat in collaboration with the Haryana Vidhan Sabha Secretariat.

The Lok Sabha Speaker said that Chief Minister,  Sh. Nayab Singh Saini has extensive experience in both democratic institutions— Lok Sabha and the Vidhan Sabha—and with this experience, he will provide guidance to the Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

Sh. Om Birla also highlighted Haryana’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage, along with its glorious history of athletes, freedom fighters, and valour. He said that despite being a small state, Haryana has always carved out a distinct identity for itself at the national and global levels. It was from the land of Haryana that Lord Shri Krishna delivered the message of Karma (duty), he said.

The Lok Sabha  Speaker  further  said that the Haryana Vidhan Sabha has a significant legacy, and the development model it has presented serves as a guiding example for other states. He emphasized that legislators have played a crucial role in this journey of progress.

*Legislators have the responsibility to fulfill the expectations and aspirations of the public-  Lok Sabha Speaker*

Sh. Om Birla said that the people have elected legislators to the Assembly with trust and confidence, and it is a matter of pride that 40 MLAs have been elected to the Haryana Vidhan Sabha for the first time. He said that legislators have the responsibility to fulfill the expectations and aspirations of the public. He said that as members of the Vidhan Sabha, legislators do not just represent a single constituency but lead the entire state. 

The Lok Sabha Speaker stressed the importance of reviewing past discussions, dialogues, and debates while formulating effective laws. To achieve this, efforts are being made to maintain a digital record of discussions and deliberations on policy making and planning from previous assemblies. This digital archive of all state legislatures will be available on a single platform, allowing members to study it and provide meaningful suggestions. 

He further said that while drafting legislation, it is essential to incorporate positive suggestions from members. Sometimes, shortcomings in legislative drafts affect the functioning of the government and impact the public. Therefore, these drafts should be circulated among members so that their expertise and experience can further refine and improve them.

(Public participation and activeness in Democracy will bring transparency in Governance*

Sh. Om Birla said that state legislatures should conduct comprehensive reviews of policies and schemes.  He said that there should be an in-depth study of state issues and the more effectively constituency and state issues are raised in the assembly, the more positive changes will occur.  He said that whether it is Parliament or the Legislative Assembly, these democratic institutions serve as platforms that enable the government to understand the problems of every sector and every section of society. By taking this information positively, the government can function more effectively. The greater the participation and activeness of the public in democracy, the more transparency there will be in governance.

He emphasized that a public representative is best positioned to assess whether the laws, policies, and schemes formulated by the government and legislatures are being implemented effectively on the ground. The more thorough the review in the assembly, the better governance will function, ensuring accountability.

He further stated that a good legislator is one who not only raises the issues of their constituency during assembly sessions but also engages in meaningful discussions in the house. He noted that there will be many challenges and difficulties in social life, and their solutions will emerge from these legislative bodies. In this era of information technology, it is crucial to have meaningful discussions in the assembly with innovative approaches so that the path to public welfare can be paved effectively.

*India has shown the World – Democracy is the supreme form of Governance- Lok Sabha Speaker*

Sh. Om Birla stated that both the ruling party and the opposition are the strengths of democracy, and India has demonstrated to the world that democracy is the highest form of governance. Despite its diversity, it is democratic principles that have united the nation.

He emphasized that engaging in meaningful discussions within legislative bodies enhances leadership skills. All members must think about how legislative institutions can be utilized more effectively for public welfare. He expressed hope that new members would gain knowledge from the experiences of senior legislators and contribute to strengthening the democratic system.

He also appreciated that the Speaker of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, is making continuous efforts to ensure that the proceedings of the House are conducted meaningfully.

The Lok Sabha Speaker noted that in Haryana, pre-budget meetings are held where legislators and other stakeholders provide suggestions, which are then incorporated into policy and planning. He further highlighted that parliamentary committees assess the impact of budgetary allocations on the social and economic lives of citizens. Therefore, post-budget discussions in parliamentary committees should be maximized to evaluate the effectiveness of the budget.

He added that during this two-day programme, experts will provide insights into legislative procedures, helping members enhance their understanding and efficiency. This will further strengthen public trust and confidence in their elected representatives.

Legislature is one of the important pillars of democracy, all members must work hard towards making it stronger: CM

Chandigarh, February 14

Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said that legislature is one of the important pillars of democracy, and all members must work hard towards making it stronger. He said that the role of elected representatives is not just to make laws but also to raise the voices of their constituents and work towards solving their problems effectively. 

The Chief Minister was speaking at the inaugural session of a two-day orientation programme organised for Haryana Vidhan Sabha members on February 14 and 15, 2025 in collaboration with the Parliamentary Research and Training Institute for Democracies (PRIDE) of the Lok Sabha. 

The Chief Minister said that the two-day programme would focus on brainstorming legislative procedures. He said that all the members must realise the great responsibility given to them by the people and to act as true representatives of Haryana, beyond personal ideologies. Once inside the Assembly, members should prioritise the dignity, smooth functioning, and prestige of the House, said the Chief Minister. 

As the leader of the House, the Chief Minister expressed confidence that democratic traditions would be upheld, and discussions would be conducted with a spirit of unity rather than individual interests and every member’s voice in the assembly will be heard.

The Chief Minister said that we are first and foremost members of this esteemed Assembly and then belong to different political parties. The Haryana Assembly has always upheld strong legislative traditions, and new principles and standards will also be established. Just as Haryana has made a name for itself in development and public welfare, it should also set an example in legislative excellence as well.  To effectively frame laws and policies in the state’s interest he emphasised the need for more assembly sittings. When the 15th Haryana Vidhan Sabha was formed, the government resolved to rise above politics and focus on meaningful debates, discussions, and addressing public concerns, he added.

Sh. Nayab Singh Saini stated that members must remember when they speak in the Assembly, they represent not just themselves but the voices of lakhs of citizens. He said that the 14th Assembly held 16 sessions with 76 sittings were held, while the 13th had 15 sessions with 84 sittings. Similarly, 11 sessions and 56 sittings in the 12th Vidhan Sabha, 12 sessions and 70 sittings in the 11th Vidhan Sabha and 66 sittings in 14 sessions in the 10th Vidhan Sabha.

The Chief Minister said that this productive atmosphere was possible because both the ruling and opposition parties actively participated in running the House and 15th Vidhan Sabha session will also have meaningful debates, discussions in the interest of the state and will respect each other’s views as well.

The Chief Minister said that all legislators will uphold the dignity of the House. He acknowledged that disagreements are natural in a democracy but maintaining decency is essential. He said that if everyone works with the spirit of “Nation First,” every decision made in the Assembly will ultimately serve the best interests of the people.

*Public representatives must rise above ideology and contribute to nation building: Harvinder Kalyan*

Speaker of Haryana Assembly Sh. Harvinder Kalyan said after being elected as a public representative, the role of a politician changes, so all public representatives should rise above their ideology and discharge their duties with the aim of nation building, progress of the state and public welfare.

He expressed gratitude to Lok Sabha Speaker Sh. Om Birla for organizing the two-day orientation program in collaboration with Parliamentary Research and Training Institute for Democracies (PRIDE)-Lok Sabha and said a campaign is being run under the leadership of the Lok Sabha Speaker to strengthen the legislative institutions. Under this, various training programs are being organized.

He said the representatives of the people have a key role in the success of the Parliamentary system. The interests of the people and the country are protected by the efficiency of the legislature. The success of these institutions depends on the working style of the members. Therefore, the public representatives should have knowledge of the Constitution, rules, methods, laws and practices of the Parliamentary system; knowledge and information about day-to-day activities related to governance and administration; knowledge of public problems and ways to solve them; and leadership skills.

He said the Vidhan Sabha is an institution made up of public representatives and works for the public through these representatives. Parliament and state legislatures have special powers and rights to carry out parliamentary work.

He said a two-day training program was organized for the officers and employees of the Vidhan Sabha just 2 months ago. In the coming times, such programs will continue to be organized with the cooperation of PRIDE and HIPA.

Sh. Harvinder Kalyan said today preserving the environment and keeping the youth away from drugs are important issues. In the coming times, work will be done to form a committee on youth affairs and environment in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha, which will take these issues forward in collaboration with the government. He said we are all fortunate to have got the opportunity to serve the people through the Vidhan Sabha. Therefore, we all should participate in making India a developed nation by 2047.

Speaker of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly Sh. Satish Mahana said it is a matter of pride to be a member of the Legislative Assembly. Our honour and prestige is due to being a member of the Legislative Assembly, so the elected members should protect the dignity of the House. He said the members should never behave in such a way or conduct themselves which puts a question mark on the legislative institutions. He said the public elects us as public representatives, so we should work together for the benefit of the state.

The orientation program was also addressed by Deputy Speaker of Haryana Legislative Assembly Dr. Krishan Lal Middha and Member Sh. B.B. Batra.

Prosight Eye Hospital Promises Pioneering AI, Robotics & SMART Lasers for Next-Gen Eye Care

Chandigarh, February 9, 2025: Prosight Eye Hospital, a state-of-the-art eye hospital pioneering AI, Robotics, and SMART Lasers was inaugurated at Sector 43, here today. The opening was attended by distinguished guests, medical directors, ophthalmic fraternity, prominent citizens, and community stakeholders.

Prosight Eye Hospital Chandigarh is a fully integrated gen-next innovative eye hospital, combining artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, SMART lasers, and precision diagnostics to deliver world-class treatments. Designed as a patient-centric eye care facility, the hospital prioritizes diagnostic accuracy, patient comfort, and tech innovations, positioning itself as the region’s most advanced destination for eye care.

Dr. SPS Oberoi, renowned philanthropist & Managing Trustee Sharbat Da Bhalla Trust was the Chief Guest. Dr. (Col) Rajinder Singh, a prominent social worker, Reformer & Educationist, was the Guest of Honour.

Board of Directors of the Fusion Care Eye Hospital (The parent body of Prosight Eye Hospital Chandigarh), who were present on the occasion included, Dr. Kashish Gupta, Dr Manpreet Singh, and Dr Sanjeev Duggal.

Dr. Sheetal Brar, Medical Director & Chief Surgeon (Prosight Eye Hospital Chandigarh), said Prosight Eye Hospital Chandigarh will offer eye treatments grounded in global research and tailored to individual patient vision needs with proven research and clinical trials. It is the first in Chandigarh to offer this minimally invasive, pain-free laser technology for refractive errors, ensuring rapid & reliable vision recovery.

“The hospital has globally awarded eye super specialists & Eye Surgeons with established professional credentials & repute. Ultra-Modern Eye diagnostic suites with AI algorithms to accurately analyse and predict eye conditions with unmatched accuracy are some of the highlights of treatment being offered in the hospital”, she said.

Dr. Sheetal said, “Robotic-assisted surgeries would have FLACS technology from Ziemer with Enhanced precision in cataract removals & IOL implants, besides IoT-enabled systems streamline patient flow, while paperless records and virtual consultations enhance accessibility.”

“The hospital promises affordable eye care by offering most competitive pricing in Laser vision corrections to bring quality eye care within reach of large segments of Chandigarh Tricity population”, she added.

As a part of its CSR initiative, Prosight will host a series of free eye screening camps across the Chandigarh region through February and March, emphasizing early detection of preventable blindness. The hospital offers a limited period of discounted services on its premium laser surgeries, such as SMILE pro & FLACS robotic cataract treatments.

Visit  Prosight Eye Hospital Chandigarh

The hospital is located in Sector 43B Chandigarh and is now open to Eye patients.

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Hospital Address: SCO 146, 43B, Sector 43, Chandigarh, 160043

Media Liaison:                    911 5900 810

Hospital Contact Number:  911 5900 661

Hospital Helpline Number: 911 51 00 841

Surajkund mela to be held from Feb 7 to 23, tickets can be booked online: Kala Ramachandran

Chandigarh, February 3 – Haryana Tourism Corporation’s Principal Secretary Smt. Kala Ramachandran said the 38th International Surajkund Crafts Fair will be organized in a grand manner. All the preparations are in full swing for this fair, which will be organised from February 7 to February 23.

Smt. Kala Ramachandran today held a meeting with the administrative officers regarding the preparations of the 38th Surajkund International Crafts Fair. Deputy Commissioner Sh. Vikram Singh was also present on the occasion.

The Principal Secretary said the Surajkund Fair has been digitized. For the first time, the booking of stalls has been done online. While maintaining complete transparency, the crafts fair of Surajkund is getting ready to welcome the general public through a digital platform. Information about every aspect of the fair will be available on

This time, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh are the theme states and BIMSTEC-Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand are the partners while North East Handloom and Handicraft Association is the cultural partner for the fair. The Delhi Metro will be the ticketing partner. Artists, weavers, craftsmen from theme states, BIMSTEC countries as well as other countries will participate in the fair, while the common people will be able to enjoy the traditional dishes of many states of the country.

Smt. Kala Ramachandran visited the fair premises along with administrative officials, took stock of the preparations and gave instructions to complete the work on time.

Working women to get Sakhi Niwas, day care facility for children too

Chandigarh, February 3

With a focus on improving facilities for working women, the Haryana government is set to construct women’s hostels in Faridabad Sector-78 and Gurugram Sector-9 under the Sakhi Niwas Yojana. This initiative aims to address the accommodation needs of working women by providing them with safe and convenient housing options at Sakhi Niwas.

Haryana Mahila Vikas Nigam is currently preparing an action plan for the project. Women residing in Sakhi Niwas will have access to a range of facilities, including daycare services. They will also be able to bring their children with them. The accommodation facility will be available for boys up to 12 years old and girls up to 18 years old.

The scheme will benefit all types of working women, including unmarried, married, and divorced individuals. Special priority will be given to women from underprivileged backgrounds and those with physical disabilities. To be eligible, the applicant must be a resident of Haryana and possess a Haryana Parivar Pehchan Patra. The woman’s monthly income must not exceed Rs 50,000 in metropolitan areas or Rs 35,000 in other locations. If the woman’s income exceeds these limits, she will be required to vacate the hostel within three months. Applicants will also need to submit their Aadhar card, a police verification report, and an employee salary certificate along with the application.

The hostels will be built on approximately one acre of land, with capacity for 200 women. The construction cost is estimated at Rs 65.30 crore, which will be funded by the Government of India.