Category Archives: News

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

MC Commissioner appreciates remarkable work done by Safaikarmacharis on their superannuation


Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh appreciated the remarkable work done by Safaikarmacharis and sanitary jamadars on their superannuation last evening.

Safaikarmacharis and sanitary Jamadars namely Sh. Satpal, Sh. Mehar Chand, Sh. Sat Pal-II, Sh. Tej Pal, Sh. Ram Pal, Sh. Jati Ram and Smt. Raj Rani got retired on 30.06.2022.

The Commissioner said that they had a sense of pride in their often considered thankless job as it directly contributed to make the city beautiful clean. She said that they should be showered with congratulations and welcomed at almost every home in the city. She said that every citizen should congratulate ground level workers by welcoming and thanking who practically keep the city clean.

Appreciating their hard work, the Commissioner said they displayed their exceptional skills and worked with great sincerity and generousness with the Municipal Corporation Chandigarh. She wished them good health and better future in life.

11th Meeting of State Advisory Council held in Chandigarh


11th Meeting of State Advisory Council was held today under the Chairmanship of Adviser to the Administrator. 

The State Advisory Council has been constituted as per the provisions of RTE Act to advice the Government regarding implementation of various provisions of RTE Act. 

Education Secretary, Deputy Commissioner, Chairman CCPCR, Director School Education, Director Higher Education and other members of the Council were present. 

The following issues were deliberated and decisions recorded:

(a) The outstanding EWS cost reimbursement payments of per child expenditure under the provisions of RTE Act should be expedited so that the due payment is released to private recognized schools without any further delay. In future the reimbursement process be streamlined to ensure seamless settlement of payments 

(b) on the issue of income certificate for admission under economically weaker section category, Deputy Commissioner Office to review and amend the application form to ensure the benefits are availed by only by the eligible and the process becomes more transparent. 

(c) It was also decided that there should be uniformity in the EWS admission process in the schools in UT Chandigarh. For this the Education Department will study the practices and procedures being followed by the Govt. of Maharashtra and the neighbouring states of Haryana, Punjab and and Delhi for admission procedures for the Economically Weaker Section. It was also decided that from the next session onwards online monitoring of admission across all school be established.

(d) The Education Department was also directed to develop a roadmap to meet the future needs of the departments/schools.



With eradicating corruption in the governance system of the state is the top priority of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann-led Punjab Government, the Vigilance Bureau has registered two fresh FIRs and arrested three persons including Patwari and Deed Writer for graft following complaints on Anti-corruption Action Line, said Chief Director Vigilance Bureau Varinder Kumar here on Friday.

          In the first case, Accused Patwari Manavdeep Singh posted at Banga and his aide Navjot Kumar alias Lavi were arrested on Thursday for accepting illegal gratification of Rs 2000 in lieu of registering Intakal of land transfer mutation from the complainant. In this regard, FIR No 9 dated June 30, 2022, has been registered under sections 7 and 7-A of the Prevention of Corruption Act at Police Station Vigilance Bureau, range Jalandhar.

          In another case, accused ASI Manjit Singh posted at Police Station Dugri in Ludhiana Commissionerate has been booked for taking a bribe of Rs 1500 for submitting the challan in the court of an old case against the complainant. ASI was further demanding a bribe of Rs 3000 from the complainant. FIR No 7 dated 28.06.2022 under section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered at Police Station Vigilance Bureau, Ludhiana and Police are conducting raids to nab the accused ASI.

          In addition to this, the Vigilance Bureau teams on Thursday have also arrested accused Deed Writer (Arzi Navis) Mukul Gupta posted at Tehsil office Jalandhar in a previous corruption case in which he took illegal gratification of Rs 20,000 for the registry of the plot of the complainant without NOC. The case FIR No. 08 dated 10.06.2022 under section 7a of the Prevention of Corruption Act had been registered at Police Station Vigilance Bureau, Range Jalandhar.

          Pertinently, after taking charge as the Chief Minister, Bhagwant Mann launched the anti-corruption action line 9501200200 and appealed to the people of Punjab to share complaints pertaining to corruption via WhatsApp so that the state could be made corruption-free. Since the launch of the helpline number of prominent people including State Health Minister Vijay Singla, former Congress Minister Sadhu Singh Dharamsot, former Congress MLA Joginder Pal, and IAS Officer Sanjay Popli has been arrested on corruption charges.

Punjab CM fulfils another poll guarantee by providing 300 units of free power to people


Fulfilling another guarantee promised with the people of state during elections, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today announced providing free electricity up to 300 units per month to the power consumers in the state.

In a statement issued here today , the Chief Minister said that the guarantee of providing free electricity up to 300 units has started from today i.e July 1 2022. He said that this means that people will get free power as they will have zero amount electricity bills. Bhagwant Mann also said that in a major relief to common man in the state, all electricity bills prior to 31 Dec 2021 will be waived off.

The Chief Minister categorically said that it is a big reprieve for the people of the state who were hitherto shelling out money for paying huge power bills. He said that from now onwards all the consumers will get 300 units of powers free which will mitigate the woes of a common man. Bhagwant Mann further said that the state government is committed for  fulfilling every guarantee promised to the people of state.

Training his guns against opposition, the Chief Minister said that previous governments made tall promises to people during polls but they were hardly fulfilled in five years. However, he said that their government has set a new precedent by fulfilling one after another guarantee with every passing day. Bhagwant Mann assured the people that the state government is committed for progress of the state and prosperity of its people.

Chief Electoral Officer, Union Territory, Chandigarh reviews the work of the election officials


A meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Electoral Officer, UT, Chandigarh with the District Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer and all the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers of Chandigarh Parliamentary  Constituency was held today in the Election Department, U.T., Chandigarh regarding latest amendments in Election Rules which be implemented from 1st August,2022. 

This is for the information of general public and Political Parties of Chandigarh Parliamentary Constituency that Election Commission of India has conveyed the amendments made by the Ministry of Law & Justice in the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and the Representation of the People Act, 1951 vide the Election Laws (Amendment) Act 2021 dated 30.12.2021. The amendments will cover the following aspects:-

(i) Use of Aadhaar for electoral registration purpose

On the direction of the Election Commission of India, Aadhaar will be collected from the registered electors of Chandigarh

(ii) Multiple Qualifying dates

From 1.08.2022, there will be 4 qualifying dates i.e. 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October for enrolment in Electoral Rolls

(iii) Gender neutral provision for Service and Special Electors

(iv) Power to acquire premises for the purpose of conduct of elections,

         Further, the updated forms mentioned in the latest instructions will be used in the upcoming Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls. The AEROs were also briefed about the amendments in the forms. The amendments regarding forms will be uploaded on the website of CEO Chandigarh i.e. for the information of general public.  

AEROs were directed to provide the training regarding the Amendments in Election Rules, IT applications (Garuda App, NVSP, Voter Portal and ERO Net) to the BLOs working under their jurisdiction. 

           In the end, the the Chief Electoral Officer also reviewed the progress of the disposal of forms and directed all the AEROs to dispose off the Forms in time bound manner.

It was also informed that from now onwards, EPIC will be delivered to the registered electors through Post with the help of Postal Department, U.T., Chandigarh.



Aiming to curb the menace of corruption from the society Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Friday nabbed Anil Kumar Panchayat Secretary, posted at Block Talwara, Hoshiarpur district red handed accepting bribe of Rs. 10,000.

Disclosing this here, a spokesperson of the state Vigilance Bureau said the bureau had launched a crusade on the directions of chief minister Bhagwant Mann to eradicate the corrupt practices among the government offices and public life in the state. In this regard the VB has caught Anil Kumar, Panchayat Secretary posted at village Changrwan, under BDPO office Talwara, Hoshiarpur district for demanding and accepting bribe from the complainant Sushma Devi, Sarpanch of village Changrwan, block Talwara.

He added that the complainant has approached the Bureau and alleged that accused Panchayat Secretary Anil Kumar was demanding bribe in the name of audit of gram panchayat funds which was already settled by an audit team and threatening that auditors may give adverse report against the utilisation of funds pertaining to the panchayat.

After finding the veracity of facts a vigilance team laid a trap and the accused was nabbed red handed in the presence of two government officials as witnesses. The tainted money was recovered from him, he added.

The spokesperson informed that in this regard vigilance case under FIR No. 10, dated 01-07-2022, u/s 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act at Vigilance Bureau Police Station Jalandhar has been registered and further investigation was under progress.

MCC employees pledges against the single use of plastic


The employees of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh today pledged against the single use of plastic items.

They pledged to reduce usage of the plastic to prevent environmental degradation, to educate their peer and neighbors, their family and every individual in the community about the consequences of plastic waste in the local environment.

The employees pledged to stop usage of all the single use plastic bottles, plastic bags and all such plastic products which are harmful to living and non-living beings. They pledged to adopt and promote usage of the steel or glass bottles, cloth bags, other eco friendly products and to make Chandigarh a more environmental friendly for the generations to come.

They pledge not to suffocate the Mother Nature and make this city more beautiful and chose to refuse single use plastic.

ARD PGIMER celebrates National Doctors Day by organising a Blood Donation Camp


Association of Resident Doctors(ARD), PGIMER Chandigarh organised a Blood Donation Camp in PGIMER on National  Doctors  Day on 1st July 2022. ARD collaborated with Thalassaemic Charitable Trust (Regd) PGI-GMCH (TCT). The camp was inaugurated by Prof (Dr) Vivek Lal, Director PGIMER alongwith Prof(Dr) Vipin Kaushal, Medical Superintendent and other faculty members and officers of PGI administration. Dr.RahuI Chakravarty, President ARD and other members of ARD welcomed the Director and thanked all the  dignitaries.  Cake cutting to celebrate National Doctors Day was done by the Director, PGIMER.

Total 92 Doctors donated blood in this camp. The camp was conducted according COVID19 guidelines. Donors were provided certificates, refreshment and customised mugs as a token of gratitude. Shri Rajinder Kalra, Member Secretary of Thalassaemic Charitable Trust expressed deep gratitude to the Association of Resident Doctors for arranging this Blood Donation camp. A sheet was maintained where doctors were asked what drove them to donate blood, the most common reasons were listed as:

1.Donating blood is divine , everyone should do 

2.To give back to the society in my own way

3.Intraoperative blood loss and scarcity of blood products 

4.The gift of blood is a gift to someone’s life

5.It’s better to donate than to waste

Monsoon arrives in Chandigarh, Punjab and Haryana


The southwest monsoon arrived in Chandigarh,  Punjab and Haryana on Thursday, bringing rains at many places. According to the Meteorological Department’s report, the southwest monsoon has advanced into some parts of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh on June 30. Heavy rains lashed Chandigarh leaving some roads waterlogged for a while. Many commuters also faced problems due to the heavy showers.

Heavy rains also occurred at some places in Haryana, including Panchkula, Kaithal, Mahendergarh, Rewari, Sonipat and Yamunanagar, Met department said. Patiala, Mohali, Rupnagar, Fatehgarh Sahib and Hoshiarpur in Punjab also received rains.

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरसंघचालक डॉ मोहन भागवत ने किया लोकार्पण


हरियाणा के धर्मक्षेत्र कुरुक्षेत्र में ज्योतिसर की पावन धरा पर आज शंखनाद और मंत्रोच्चार के बीच भगवान श्री कृष्ण के विराट स्वरूप की प्रतिमा का लोकार्पण हुआ। राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरसंघचालक डॉ मोहन भागवत ने हरियाणा के राज्यपाल श्री बंडारू दत्तात्रेय, मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल और सअध्यक्ष, गीता ज्ञान संस्थान स्वामी ज्ञानानंद जी महाराज की गरिमामयी उपस्थिति में गीता ज्ञान संस्थान से वर्चुअल माध्यम से रिमोट का बटन दबाकर प्रतिमा का लोकार्पण किया।यह अद्भुत प्रतिमा 40 फुट ऊंची है, जिसका वजन 35 टन के करीब है। इसकी विशेष बात यह है कि इसे 4 प्रकार की धातुओं के मिश्रण से बनाया गया है, जिसमें 85 प्रतिशत तांबा और 15 प्रतिशत अन्य धातुओं का प्रयोग किया गया है। इस विराट स्वरूप में भगवान श्री कृष्ण के 9 स्वरूपों को दर्शाया गया है।

इस दौरान भगवान श्री कृष्ण के विराट स्वरूप और विश्वस्वरूप के बीच की यात्रा को एक लाइट एंड साउंड शो के माध्यम से दर्शाया गया।उल्लेखनीय है कि कृष्ण सर्किट परियोजना के प्रथम स्थल ज्योतिसर के जीर्णोद्धार के पहले चरण के तहत भगवान श्री कृष्ण के विराट स्वरूप की प्रतिमा का अनावरण किया गया है।

इसके बाद, मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल के निर्देशानुसार ज्योतिसर में विश्वस्तरीय ज्योतिश्वर अनुभव केंद्र की रचना की जा रही है, जिसके अगले एक साल में तैयार होने की संभावना है।