IEP Chandigarh, April 5
Giving a sigh of relief to the colonizers who have defaulted in depositing the outstanding license renewal fees as well as applicable interest on the same, Haryana has introduced yet another one of its kind one-time settlement scheme “Vivadon Ka Samadhan”. The scheme shall remain open for six months period from its notification.As on April 1, 2022, there are 756 cases where such licences are required to be renewed. Outstanding dues on account of renewal of licence in such cases are Rs. 3660 crores out of which principal amount of renewal fee is Rs. 1604 crores and interest component is 2056 crores. Therefore, in order to safeguard the interest of allottee, Vivadon Ka Samadhan has been introduced. This one-time relief policy that has been formulated on the pattern of EDC Relief Policy “Samadhan Se Vikas”,In case a colonizer opts for this scheme, then 100 percent deposit of principal amount on account of licence renewal fee shall be pre-requisite being a statutory charge.If a colonizer deposits 100 percent of the outstanding principal amount against renewal fees as well as 25 percent of the principal amount of licence renewal fee on account of interest, i.e. overall 125 percent of outstanding renewal fees, such licence shall be considered for renewal.If a colonizer deposits 100 percent of the outstanding principal amount against renewal fees as well as 10 percent of principal amount on account of interest, i.e. overall 110 percent of outstanding renewal fees, such licence shall also be considered for renewal.However, in order to promote easy adoption, it was decided that the developer should pay 1.5 percent of outstanding renewal fee progressively after every proceeding month till the currency of the scheme.