With Covid cases in Punjab witnessing a slight surge from the last few days, Punjab Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Balbir Singh on Wednesday said that Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led Punjab Government is all geared-up to effectively tackle any kind of Covid related exigency. The Health Minister, who was here at Government Rajindra Hospital in Patiala to review the medical infrastructure arrangements at the Covid Isolated ward of the hospital, said that the state government is well prepared with requisite bed capacity and ventilators in hospitals, besides, having adequate arrangements of PPE kits, masks and testing kits to deal with the further spread of the virus. He said that they have sufficient doctors and medical staff, besides, all the oxygen plants and emergency systems are active in all the Government hospitals in the state. Although the situation is under control and people need not to panic, Dr Balbir Singh urged people to strictly adhere to the health and safety protocols including social distancing, proper wearing of masks and washing hands frequently to contain coronavirus. “People, especially those who are immunocompromised or having Covid symptoms like cold or cough, should take extra care of themselves and avoid going outside until there is an urgency,” he said, further advising them to wear masks whenever they leave their homes. He said that as per the directions of the Union Government, the Punjab health department would conduct a mock drill on 10-11th April in the state to ensure the Covid preparedness. Meanwhile, the Health Minister also appealed to people to not get swayed away by the rumours.