Category Archives: Chandigarh

Opposition is misleading on the issue of Dadupur Nalvi Canal:  Hry Chief Minister

Chandigarh, March 10 – Haryana Chief Minister Sh Nayab Singh Saini said that the opposition is continuously spreading misinformation regarding the Dadupur Nalvi Canal issue. He clarified that the decision delivered by the Hon’ble High Court on December 20, 2024, does not pertain to the Dadupur Nalvi Canal in any way. The 76-page ruling does not mention the reconstruction of the Dadupur Nalvi Canal. In an attempt to conceal its failures, the opposition is making baseless allegations, he added.

         Chief Minister Sh Nayab Singh Saini made these remarks while interacting with media persons here today.

         He said that the opposition should read the court’s decision. The Advocate General of Haryana has opined that the judgment by the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court dated December 20, 2024, can be challenged by filing a Special Leave Petition (SLP) before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, particularly regarding the repeal of Section 101-A of the 2013 Act. Preparations are underway to file the SLP.

         The Chief Minister strongly criticized the opposition, stating that 2,247 acres of land were to be acquired for the construction of the canal, with 190 acres being government land. Due to public opposition during the previous state government’s tenure, 1,227 acres of land could not be acquired, and only 830 acres were acquired. He said that when this land was acquired in 2004-05, the court ordered compensation enhancement, which amounted to Rs 6 crore per acre.

         Responding to a question about encroachment on the pond land at Peer Bodhi on the Rohtak-Gohana road, the Chief Minister clarified that, as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order, no encroachment is permitted on this land. The land was allocated to the Waqf Board, and opposition is making false and baseless allegations on this issue.

         In response to another query, the Chief Minister highlighted that the current government has fulfilled 18 of its sankalp within the first 100 days, with 10 more sankalps set to be completed soon. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi, the pace of development will tripple, and all sankalps will be achieved within the five years.

         The Chief Minister also mentioned that, as promised in the Sankalp Patra, gas cylinders are being provided to 13.5 lakh poor women in the state for Rs 500. He said that despite Congress governments in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana, they have failed to fulfill even a single promise made to the people.

         The Chief Minister reiterated that the current government is making serious efforts to eradicate drug abuse from its roots. A regional committee, comprising Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Chandigarh, has been formed, with regular meetings held to address this issue. Joint operations are being conducted with neighboring states to curb the cross-border movement of drugs. Strict action is being taken against drug abuse and this action will be further intensified in the future also.

         He further informed that the Manas Portal has been started, where Union Home and Cooperation Minister Sh Amit Shah is actively involved in monitoring and reviewing the actions taken against drugs. The portal allows individuals to report drug-related activities while ensuring the anonymity of those providing the information.

         On this occasion, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Sh Krishan Kumar Bedi, Chief Secretary Sh Anurag Rastogi, Director General of Information Public Relations and Languages Department Sh K. Makrand Pandurang and Media Secretary Sh Praveen Attrey were also present.

Workshop on Neonatal Sepsis at PGIMER, Chandigarh: A Comprehensive Exploration of Newborn Infections March 2025


A single theme workshop on Neonatal Sepsis (meaning serious infections in newborn babies) is currently underway at the Advanced Pediatric Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh. 100 delegates from all over India are attending this workshop. On the second day of the workshop, several important lectures were delivered followed by case discussions of real-life cases of newborn babies with serious infections.

The second day’s proceedings started with a talk on newborn meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain) by the organising secretary of the workshop, Prof Sourabh Dutta. He stressed that the occurrence of meningitis is more common in the newborn period than in any other age group. The consequences of missing a diagnosis of meningitis or undertreating meningitis are devastating and lifelong. A sample of spinal fluid has to be analysed for diagnosing meningitis.

Dr Sajan Saini spoke about a dangerous but rare complication of meningitis called ventriculitis. In this the central fluid spaces inside the brain get infected. This disease requires prolonged periods of antibiotics and long hospitalisation. There are typical changes on MRI of the brain and ultrasound of the brain which help to identify this dreaded complication.

Dr Nandkishor Kabra spoke about urinary tract infections in newborn babies. He said that paediatricians need to look more actively for urinary infections in newborn babies than what they are currently doing. To be able to get a clean sample of the urine without contamination, the urine has to be collected either by catheterisation of the urinary bladder or by inserting a needle in the urinary bladder. A diagnosis of urinary infection may require further investigations such as ultrasounds of the kidneys.

Prof Deepak Chawla spoke about non-antibiotic ancilliary treatments and preventive strategies of newborn infections. These included several innovative approaches such as the application of colostrum (mother’s first thick milk) in the oral cavity and throat of newborn babies, using probiotics (friendly bacteria), lactoferrin (an anti-infective component of human milk), oil application etc.
Prof Praveen Kumar, the head of the neonatal unit and the chairperson of the workshop, spoke about the important topic of antibiotic stewardship.

Antibiotic stewardship refers to a coordinated set of strategies aimed at optimising the use of antibiotics to improve patient outcomes, reduce antimicrobial resistance and minimise adverse events and unnecessary healthcare costs. Antibiotic stewardship involves having written down policies and audit procedures to ensure that antibiotics are used sparingly and rationally in a neonatal unit, they are proactively and immediately stopped when they are not required.

Dr Jogender Kumar and Dr Harsimran Kaur jointly presented an important talk on fungal infections in newborn babies. The incidence of fungal infections is gradually rising in India, especially among smaller hospitals and neonatal units, which is a matter of grave concern. Dr Joginder Kumar spoke about when to suspect and diagnose fungal infections and how to treat them effectively. Dr Harsimran Kaur dealt with the issues of laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections among newborn babies. PGI has one of the most advanced mycology (study of fungal diseases) centres in the country.

The highlight of the 2nd day of the workshop were 3 case discussions of actual newborn babies who had been managed for severe newborn infections in the PGIMER unit in recent times. Identification details of these babies were anonymized but all their clinical and laboratory details were discussed at length with the delegates.

PGIMER and AMRIT Pharmacy Take Action Against Fraudulent Activity


The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in collaboration with AMRIT Pharmacy has reported a serious incident involving the misuse of a stolen indent book and counterfeit stamps to divert medications intended for patients enrolled in the Ayushman Bharat cashless schemes.

The unauthorized individual was apprehended on February 18, 2025, and subsequently handed over to local police authorities for further investigation.

In response to this fraudulent activity, PGIMER and AMRIT have jointly filed a formal complaint with the relevant law enforcement agencies and have established an internal committee tasked with investigating the matter and providing recommendations to prevent future occurrences.

As part of our commitment to safeguarding the integrity of our healthcare services, PGIMER is implementing the following immediate measures:

Transition to Online Indenting System: The existing manual indenting system for patients under cashless schemes will be discontinued and replaced with a secure online indenting process. The Computer Section of PGIMER, in collaboration with the internal committee, has developed a solution to be integrated into the existing Hospital Information System (HIS 1). We anticipate this transition will be completed within one week.

Dedicated Service Area for Cashless Beneficiaries: A designated area outside the Emergency department has been identified for AMRIT to exclusively serve beneficiaries of cashless schemes, including Ayushman Bhara

Enhanced Manpower for improved service : PGIMER will work with AMRIT to increase staffing levels to ensure that medications and implants processed through the new online system are delivered directly to patients at their bedside.

PGIMER is committed to provide quality medical care and is assisting the police authorities in every way in their efforts to find the culprits trying to exploit PGIMER and tarnish its image.

Advanced Eye Centre, PGI organized Glaucoma Awareness Walk from Rock Garden to Sukhna Lake


Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable irreversible blindness, and the figures are increasing. One in each 200 people, aged 40, has glaucoma, and the number rises to one in 8, aged 80. As the world ages, and the population increases as well, glaucoma is becoming more and more common. Currently, glaucoma affects approximately 80 million people around the world, about half of whom are unaware that they have the disease and may not have access to much needed care This number is forecasted to increase in the coming years, as over 111.8 million people will be impacted by glaucoma by 2040.
Our country, second most populated country, bears a huge chunk of patients, every 8th individual or nearly 40 million has either glaucoma or is at risk of developing the disease. 11.2 million Indians suffer from the disease with 1.1 million blinds, including children.
Most often glaucoma cause silent vision loss as the patient will not be symptomatic till the moderate to an advanced stage and the vision loss can’t be regained. Early recognition and treatment are at most important to prevent the progression of glaucoma. Thus, the earlier it is diagnosed, the less damage is done.
For decades the Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER (top most institute in the region), Chandigarh, has been working to raise the awareness about glaucoma and importance of the prevention. Today (March 9, 2025) The advanced Eye Centre has conducted a series event under the leadership of Prof Surinder Singh Pandav, the Chief of department and events were a huge success. The program started with an awareness walk begun from Rock Garden Chandigarh at 7.30 am with the slogan of “Uniting for Glaucoma Free world”. The event was graced by the presence of Padmashri Prof. Jagat Ram former director PGIMER and other dignitaries. We have participation of large number of health workers from various sections form the PGIMER, GMCH-32 and people from various like Chandigarh Ophthalmological Society and Glaucoma Support group Chandigarh, and Lions Club Chandigarh.
Following conclusion of awareness walk at Sukhna Lake Chandigarh by 8.0 am the slogan was again highlighted by a glaucoma awareness skit by Chandigarh Theatre group under the guidance of Mr Rajeev Mehta. The skit was really an eye opener for public gathered at Sukhna Lake and conveyed the message of requirement of glaucoma screening and treatment. This occasion has graced by the participation of more than 180 people.

Annual meeting of obst & Gynae Society of Northern India was conducted Successfully at PGI


The Annual meeting of obstetrics & Gynaecology Society of Northern India was conducted successfully at PGI on 9th March 2025 under the aegis of FOGSI. This annual meeting proved to be an academic bonanza and was attended in large numbers both by practicing gynecologists and postgraduate residents. The honorable Director, PGI Chandigarh graced the occasion and motivated the students to “sweat themselves “to gain maximum touch with the patients in their residency days.
The endoscopic surgical video session demonstrating the hysteroscopic and laparoscopic technique in benign and malignant gynecological conditions was a treat to watch. The present chairperson of ICOG, the academic wing of FOGSI, Dr Parag Biniwale congratulated the organizing team about the excellent scientific program. The immediate past president of ICOG, Dr Parul Kotdawala from Ahmedabad joined the gathering at PGI and shared videos from his three-decade long experience of hysteroscopic procedures. The updates and advances in gynecological cancers were covered in detail by stalwarts in the field of surgical oncology, radiation oncology and medical oncology while the pathologists presented their insights about the same. The postgraduate students were awarded for their poster and oral presentations. Overall, this conference, dedicated to women’s health was a true celebration of International Women’s Day.

108 एम्बुलेंस ने उत्साह और खुशी के साथ मनाया अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस

मोहाली, 8 मार्च 2025

ज़ेनप्लस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कार्यस्थल में महिलाओं के अविश्वसनीय योगदान को मान्यता देते हुए, अपने जीरकपुर कार्यालय में एक आकर्षक और जीवंत उत्सव के साथ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस मनाया। यह कार्यक्रम मज़ेदार गतिविधियों, एक उत्साही खेल सत्र और एक दिल छू लेने वाले केक-काटने के समारोह से भरा हुआ था, जिसमें महिला कर्मचारी एक आनंदमय माहौल में एक साथ आईं।

उत्सव की शुरुआत तंबोला के एक रोमांचक दौर के साथ हुई, जहाँ डॉ. नेहा मंडल और सिमरन विजयी रहीं। जैसे-कर्मचारियों ने म्यूजिकल चेयर प्रतियोगिता में भी भाग लिया, जिसमें संतोष ने विजेता का खिताब जीता। खेलों ने कर्मचारियों के बीच एकजुटता और सौहार्द की भावना को बढ़ावा दिया, जिससे यह दिन और भी खास हो गया।

कार्यक्रम का मुख्य आकर्षण केक काटने का समारोह था, जो ज़ेनप्लस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड की महिला स्टाफ के प्रति प्रशंसा और कृतज्ञता का प्रतीक था। एकजुटता का एक विशेष क्षण को स्वादिष्ट मिठाइयाँ वितरित कर सेलिब्रेट किया गया, जिससे इस अवसर पर गर्मजोशी और उत्साह और बढ़ गया।

इस कार्यक्रम में मनीषा, परनीत, रमन, भगवंत, अनीता, संतोष, प्रीति, नेहा, सिमरन और सत्या सहित महिला कर्मचारियों की उपस्थिति थी, जिन्होंने अपने उत्साह और भागीदारी से उत्सव की भावना को बढ़ा दिया।

श्री मनीष बत्रा, प्रोजेक्ट हेड, ज़ेनप्लस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड ने कहा, “आज का दिन हमारे संगठन में अभूतपूर्व महिलाओं को पहचानने और उनकी सराहना करने का दिन है। उनका योगदान अमूल्य है, और यह उत्सव उनकी कड़ी मेहनत के लिए हमारी कृतज्ञता का एक छोटा सा प्रतीक है।”

ज़ेनप्लस प्लिप्राइवेट लिमिटेड एक जुटता और सशक्त कार्यस्थल को बढ़ावा देने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है, जहां महिलाओं के योगदान को महत्व दिया जाता है और उसका जश्न मनाया जाता है। यह महिला दिवस कार्यक्रम सभी के लिए सकारात्मक और सहायक वातावरण बनाने के लिए कंपनी के समर्पण का एक प्रमाण था।

Sant Baba Lakha Singh Ji Dedicates GYAN Wellness Retreats in Chandigarh and Rajpura to Sangat as a Fight Against Drugs and Cancer in Punjab, Supported by Global Middas Capital Fund

Chandigarh, March 9, 2025: In a divine and transformative announcement at the Mahan Gurmat Samagam organized by Gurudwara Nanaksar Jagraon in Chandigarh, Sant Baba Lakha Singh Ji of Nanaksar Kaleran dedicated the upcoming GYAN Wellness retreats in Chandigarh (adjoining the Botanical Gardens) and Rajpura, Punjab, to the Sangat. These wellness and healthcare projects, developed in alliance with Gurudwara Nanaksar community, aim to combat the dual challenges of drug addiction and cancer in Punjab while promoting holistic well-being in alignment with the tenets of Sarbat da Bhala (welfare for all).

Sant Baba Lakha Singh Ji termed the project as a revolutionary step towards the physical, mental, and spiritual upliftment of the Sangat. He expressed deep concern over the devastation caused by cancer and drug addiction in Punjab, stating, “Punjab has been ruined by the scourge of drugs and cancer. This project is our resolve towards Punjab’s revival and a step towards healing our land and people.” He praised GYAN Wellness for its commitment to universal well-being and assured the community of accessible Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy treatments rooted in Guru’s teachings.

Sardar Inder Preet Singh, Chairman of Global Middas Capital Fund, highlighted the project’s significance in empowering the Sangat and addressing their wellness concerns. He announced free and subsidized treatments for the community, alongside professional holistic care packages for all.

Sardar Aman Bandvi, Director of Global Middas Capital Fund, described the initiative as a groundbreaking effort to create an ecosystem of wellness centers, including campus happiness labs, to tackle stress, anxiety, and depression. He emphasized the urgent need to address the rising cases of student suicides due to academic pressure.

Sardar Harmeet Singh, Director of GYAN Wellness Worldwide, expressed gratitude to Sant Baba Lakha Singh Ji and assured the Sangat that these centers would serve as hubs for spiritual, physical, and mental well-being, directly addressing challenges like addiction, depression, and stress.

Bibi Harleen Kaur, Spiritual Head of Satkarmic Mission and Director of GYAN Wellness, stressed the importance of early interventions for youth, reviving Ayurveda and Naturopathy, and empowering women. She also revealed plans to expand the project to Jagraon.

Arun Kumar Sharma, CEO of GYAN Wellness, thanked the Sangat and Sant Baba Lakha Singh Ji for their support, promising world-class treatments and therapies in the Tricity region.

This initiative marks a significant step towards holistic wellness, combining ancient wisdom with modern care, and is set to transform lives across Punjab and beyond.

My Dream of an Open-Air Theater in Ambala’s Subhash Park Has Come True; It Has Become a Hub for Various Activities” – Energy, Transport, and Labor Minister Anil Vij

Chandigarh, March 9 – Haryana’s Energy, Transport and Labor Minister, Sh. Anil Vij expressed his immense happiness at witnessing the “Mr. Ambala Bodybuilding Competition” being held at the open-air theater in Ambala’s Subhash Park. He stated that his vision of establishing an open-air theater for diverse activities in the city had finally been realized. He encouraged young bodybuilders to share their skills with others and assured them of full support in promoting bodybuilding.

Sh. Vij addressed the gathering at the event, organized by the Ambala Fitness and Bodybuilding Association, and later distributed awards to the winners today in Ambala.

He highlighted that various events are regularly held at the open-air theater, with hardly a week passing without a cultural program. He emphasized that his dream was for the people of his city to remain happy, engaged and active. He also pledged government support for the youth aspiring to excel in bodybuilding.

“Ambala Cantonment Should Be Recognized as a Leader in Bodybuilding” – Vij

Anil Vij stated that he wishes not only for the “Mr. Ambala” competition to be held but also for “Mr. Haryana” and “Mr. India” bodybuilding competitions to take place in Ambala Cantonment. He envisions local wrestling arenas (akhadas) bustling with activity, where young people regularly train and practice bodybuilding.

“Bodybuilding Promotes Health Awareness” – Vij

Sh.Vij praised the bodybuilding event, stating that it helps eliminate negative societal influences while promoting health awareness. He noted that today’s youth are often drawn toward harmful activities, and events like this serve as a positive outlet. He believes that even those who attended as spectators would be inspired to build their bodies and muscles like the participants. He commended the organizers for hosting such an inspiring event and congratulated all the participants.

Minister Honors Winners and Encourages Enthusiasm During the event

Sh. Vij personally honored winners across different categories and motivated them. Upon his arrival, he was warmly welcomed by bodybuilding association representatives, including Vikas Jindal and others.

The event was attended by BJP leaders Narendra Rana, Fakir Chand Saini, Madan Lal, Pramod Lucky, Mohit Kaushik, Harsh Bindra, Ravi Buddhiraja, Deepak Bhaseen, and several other dignitaries.

Football to regain its glory in Ambala Cantonment; Displaying pictures of former players on the field symbolizes football’s resurgence- Energy & Transport Minister Anil Vij

Chandigarh, March 9

Haryana’s Energy, Transport and Labor Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that during the S.D. Chatterjee Football Trophy, former football players were honored, and their pictures were displayed to remember them. “This is a sign of football’s resurgence, and Ambala Cantonment is set to regain its football glory.”

Sh. Vij was addressing people this evening after the final match of the S.D. Chatterjee Trophy at the FIFA-approved football ground of the War Heroes Memorial Stadium in Ambala Cantonment.

He expressed his appreciation for the Football Lovers Welfare Society for organizing the competition in the name of Dada S.D. Chatterjee. He said that “Nations perish when they forget their ancestors.” He was pleased to see that members of Chatterjee’s family had come here after many years, making it a true tribute to his contributions in developing football players in this city. He also appreciated the organization’s name, “Football Lovers Welfare Society,” stating that while players can be trained, the real need is for football lovers.

Ambala Cantonment was once a stronghold of football- Vij

Energy and Transport Minister Anil Vij recalled watching football matches on this ground, where the stadium used to be packed with enthusiastic spectators who seemed as if they were playing the game themselves. He remembered Dada S.D. Chatterjee, who passionately guided football players. There was a time when Ambala Cantonment was the hub of football. Matches used to be held in this stadium, drawing large crowds. In Gandhi Ground, matches required tickets, and the stands were always full.

During that era, Ambala Cantonment had football teams like Union Club, Heroes Club, Aryans Club, and others that established their dominance across India, even defeating the renowned Mohun Bagan Club of West Bengal.

Built a FIFA-approved football stadium in Ambala Cantonment -Vij

Cabinet Minister Anil Vij noted that while other places had developed turf fields for football, players in Ambala Cantonment continued playing on dirt fields, causing the sport to decline. When he got the opportunity, he initiated the construction of a high-quality FIFA-approved football stadium in Ambala Cantonment, which will be completed soon. Within hundreds of kilometers, there is no other FIFA-approved stadium in this region. Continuous communication with FIFA is ongoing to host national and international matches here. Once major tournaments are held in Ambala Cantonment, talented players will undoubtedly emerge.

Football is a global game with a stronger foundation than cricket -Vij

Cabinet Minister Anil Vij pointed out that while cricket is dominant everywhere today, it is primarily a sport of Commonwealth countries where the British ruled. In contrast, football is a game played worldwide. He emphasized that other sports should not be neglected, as their foundation is even stronger than cricket. He highlighted that football players earn just as much, if not more, than cricketers.

He said that to promote positive energy among athletes, he has facilitated the construction of a football stadium, an all-weather swimming pool (which hosted Khelo India swimming competitions), an international-standard gymnastics hall, a badminton hall, and a yoga center in Ambala Cantonment. Additionally, he developed an open-air theater in Subhash Park, where the Mr. Ambala bodybuilding competition is currently taking place.

“Keep politics to us; don’t let it enter football” -Vij

Anil Vij stated that, “Keep politics to us; don’t let it enter football.” He mentioned hearing discussions that weaken the spirit of football. The game should be played with true sportsmanship. Even within their organizations, people should work with the right spirit. His goal is to channel people’s energy in a positive direction, and he is succeeding in this endeavor, with continued support for sports enthusiasts.

Vij boosted players’ morale by kicking a football

Before the final match, Anil Vij kicked a football on the field to encourage the players. He watched the final match, where Kalka Football Academy defeated Patiala’s Dalbir Football Academy 2-0 to win the tournament. Vij honored the winning and runner-up teams by awarding them trophies.

On this occasion, Welfare Society President Rajesh Sharma, along with Subhash Sharma, Naresh Kumar, Rakesh Sharma, Subhash, Ashok Sharma, Dheeraj Bhatia, Anil Goyal, A.D. Gandhi and other dignitaries, were present.

NMIMS Chandigarh Successfully Concludes the Third Edition of the Narsee Monjee Half Marathon 2025

Chandigarh, March 9

NMIMS Chandigarh, in collaboration with Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (Tata Memorial Center), successfully hosted the third edition of the Narsee Monjee Half Marathon 2025. This year’s theme, ‘Raising Awareness About Cancer and Inspiring a Fighting Spirit in the Face of Adversity’, emphasised the critical need for proactive healthcare and the power of resilience. The event united participants from across India, reinforcing the importance of fitness, community engagement, and health consciousness.

This year’s marathon saw enthusiastic participation from over 1000 runners including cancer survivors, differently-abled individuals, and those who have triumphed over life-threatening illnesses, making it a powerful testament to resilience and hope. The event also had the honor of welcoming prominent running clubs, including The Run Club (TRC), Chandigarh Distance Runners (CDR), SkechersGO Run Club (GRC), and Bonded in Gratitude. Among them were Sh. Rakesh Kashyap, Sh. Rajiv Batra, Sh. Munish Jauhar, Sh. Surender Gulia, and Sh. Vijender Singh, amongst others who brought their experience and energy to the race, inspiring fellow participants.

The NMIMS Chandigarh Half Marathon 2025 kicked off from the NMIMS Chandigarh campus, covering key city landmarks and offering participants a scenic yet challenging course. The event commenced at 5:00 AM with an inaugural address, followed by an energetic Zumba and warmup session to prepare runners for the race. The races were flagged off at regular intervals – 21.1 km for endurance runners, and 11 km and 5 km for shorter-distance participants; ensuring a smooth and well-coordinated experience. To enhance efficiency, timing chip mats were installed at the start and finish lines, allowing accurate performance tracking, while hydration and medical support stations were strategically placed along the route, with ambulances, physicians, and physiotherapists on standby to ensure the safety and well-being of all runners.

The presence of Shri Manish Tewari, Member of Parliament, Chandigarh, as the Chief  Guest highlighted the significance of large-scale community participation in spreading awareness about cancer. He acknowledged the seamless collaboration between Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre and NMIMS Chandigarh in organizing the event and commended the impressive turnout. He stated, ‘I congratulate Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre and NMIMS Chandigarh for organizing this marathon to raise awareness that cancer is curable. The event has been splendidly executed, and I extend my gratitude to the dedicated organizers and the incredible crowd that has turned out in large numbers. I sincerely hope this tradition continues, inspiring many more to join in the years to come.’

Additionally, speaking about the impact of the event, Prof. (Dr.) Rashmi Khorana Nagpal, Campus Director (I/C), NMIMS Chandigarh, Professor & Associate Dean, School of Law, stated, ‘The NMIMS Half Marathon is not just a test of endurance but a testament to the human spirit, resilience, and the power of collective action. At NMIMS, we believe that education extends beyond classrooms; it is about shaping socially responsible individuals who champion meaningful causes. Two critical conversations in the fight against cancer are the need for greater awareness and the importance of resilience in the face of adversity. Through this initiative, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a healthier, more informed society. As Nelson Mandela profoundly said, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. But good health is the foundation on which the success of education is built.’ By bringing together runners, survivors, medical experts, and the community, today’s marathon has reinforced that awareness, determination, and advocacy can drive real change in the fight against cancer.

Furthermore, Dr. Ashish Gulia, Director at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, emphasized and stated, ‘Early detection is one of the most powerful tools in the fight against cancer, significantly improving treatment outcomes and survival rates. At Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, we are committed to advancing cancer research, treatment, and awareness initiatives that empower individuals to take proactive steps toward their health. Our collaboration with NMIMS Chandigarh through this marathon is a reflection of our shared vision – leveraging education, awareness, and community engagement to drive meaningful change. By bringing together survivors, medical experts, students, and the broader public, today’s event highlights the critical need for early screenings, timely interventions, and a united approach in combating this disease.

Students from schools, including both State and National level players, were felicitated during the post-event celebrations alongside the winners. The event concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, where winners of the 5 km, 11 km, and 21.1 km races were awarded trophies by Shri Manish Tewari, along with Prof. (Dr.) Rashmi Khorana Nagpal. Additionally, sponsors and key contributors were felicitated in recognition of their support. The day ended with a grand master photograph, capturing the collective spirit of resilience and unity that defined the event.

The organizers expressed their gratitude to all participants, volunteers, and supporters who made the event a resounding success. The NMIMS Half Marathon 2025 was not just a celebration of fitness but a reaffirmation of resilience, unity, and the collective commitment to health advocacy.

With another impactful edition successfully concluded, NMIMS Chandigarh continues to champion initiatives that inspire, educate, and bring communities together in the pursuit of a healthier and more resilient society.