Tag Archives: MINING

Chief Minister directs officers concerned to keep a close vigil on illegal extraction of mining material due to depletion of the ground water table


While taking serious note of the issue regarding depletion of water levels within and nearby areas of mining sites in the State, Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today directed the officers concerned to install Piezometers at the mining sites to determine the status of the groundwater table.

The Chief Minister said that as mining can deplete surface and groundwater supplies and because of the depleting water table within and nearby areas of mining sites, the possibility of illegal extraction of mining material increases. Hence to keep a check on this, Piezometers should be installed at the mining sites.

The Chief Minister gave these directions while presiding over the State Level DISHA Committee Meeting held here today with the Administrative Secretaries, Deputy Commissioner, Chief Executive Officers, Zila Parishad and District Municipal Commissioners.  The meeting was co-chaired by Development and Panchayats Minister, Sh. Devendra Babli. During the meeting, various schemes of the Centre and Central and State governments were reviewed in detail.

Member Parliaments, Sh. Sanjay Bhatia, Sh. Dharambir Singh, Sh. Arvind Sharma and Rajya Sabha MP, Lt Gen. (retd) D.P. Vats, MLA, Smt. Nirmal Rani also remained present during the meeting. MP, Sh. Brijendra Singh joined through video conferencing.

Concerned miners to ensure maintenance of roads within the radius of their mining sites

Ensuring maintenance of roads within the radius of mining sites, the Chief Minister directed the Deputy Commissioners to ensure that the maintenance of all the roads within the radius of 5 kilometers of any mining site is done by the concerned miners.

The Deputy Commissioners should prepare a proposal regarding the same as per the District Mineral Foundation Rules, 2017, added Sh. Manohar Lal.

Age-wise tracking of children to get real-time data on the school dropouts

The Chief Minister said that the present State Government has made concentrated efforts to keep a check on the school dropouts so as to ensure that no student should be deprived of education due to any reason.  Now taking this commitment further the State Education Department will be implementing a new system of age-wise tracking of every student in the age group of 5 to 18 years, said the Chief Minister.

Under this system, the children in the above said age group who are registered in the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) data would be tracked by the Education Department so that real-time information about all such children can be collected and the actual status of the school dropout rate can be determined.

Link Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme with Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana

The Chief Minister said that Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme should be linked with Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana so that eligible families have more self-employment opportunities.

Houses in the one-kilometer radius from Lal Dora to get power connection

The Chief Minister said that Power Department should explore possibilities of giving power connections to all the houses in the one-kilometer radius from Lal Dora.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister was apprised that there is 100 percent electrification in the State. who-so-ever has come for electricity connections, the department has provided the same as per the requirement of the applicant.

Hold regular meetings of district Disha Committees

          The Chief Minister directed the Deputy Commissioner to hold regular meetings of district level Disha Committees so that every important issues raised during these meetings would be tabled in the State level Disha committee so that any kind of problem being faced in the districts can be discussed immediately.

Provide connections to the eligible families under the Ujjwala scheme

While giving directions regarding cooking gas connections provided under the Ujjwala scheme, Sh. Manohar Lal said that every District Commissioner should ensure that no household is left of these connections.

He said that if any house in the state is still left with a domestic gas connection, then an immediate gas connection should be given to such eligible family.

The Chief Minister further directed the officers concerned to expedite the ongoing survey work under the Housing for Economically Weaker Sections policy to identify the potential beneficiaries in Rural as well as Urban areas in the State.

A teacher should be made the nodal officer to ensure safe travel of girl students

During the meeting, the Member Parliament raised the demand of making a system to ensure safe transport facilities for the girl students. Accepting the same, the Chief Minister directed the officers concerned that a teacher should be made the nodal officer in the schools to supervise all the routes so that the girl students do not face any kind of problem.

While discussing the agenda regarding  Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban,  the Chief Minister directed that the beneficiaries whose first installment has been received, their second and third installments should also be released soon, so that there is no delay in construction of houses.

Open more Antyodaya Aahar and Atal Kisan Canteens

The Chief Minister directed that more Antyodaya Aahar and Atal Kisan Canteens should be opened apart from the already operational canteens. The Chief Minister said that with the opening of such canteens the workers and others visiting the Mandis will be able to eat good food at reasonable prices.

Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal, Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. D.S. Dhesi, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V. Umashankar, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Dr. Amit Agrawal, Additional Principal Secretary-II to Chief Minister, Smt. Ashima Brar and all the Administrative Secretaries of the Concerned Departments remained present in the meeting. 

Take immediate action against illegal miners, directs Haryana CS


Haryana Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal has directed all the Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police to take immediate action against the illegal miners. He also directed the officers of the Mining Department to personally visit the sites where illegal mining is being done and immediately send a report regarding the same. Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal said this while presiding over the review meeting regarding illegal mining held here today through video conferencing.

        Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal while directing the Deputy Commissioners said that the implementation of directions related to illegal mining and the environment should be ensured. To prevent illegal mining, officers should prepare an action plan and also ensure its strict compliance, said the Chief Secretary.

        Also, they should personally visit the site to review illegal mining areas and ensure action is taken against those involved in illegal mining. Besides this, police patrolling should also be increased, directed Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal.

        He said that incidents of illegal mining should be completely curbed and as per the prescribed norms, strict action should be taken against those found guilty. The officers should conduct regular meetings of the District Task Force as well as inspect the mining areas from time to time, directed the Chief Secretary.

        He further directed the Superintendents of Police to expedite the proceedings in the cases that are already registered against illegal mining. Further concrete arguments for the cases pending in the courts should also be ensured.

        Sh. Kaushal said that strict arrangements should be made to control illegal mining in all the districts. Round-the-clock deployment of the employees in illegal mining areas should be ensured along with this Gram Sachivs and Patwaris should be deployed at the village level to monitor critical and sensitive areas.

        Additional Chief Secretary, Environment and Climate Change Department, Sh. A.K Singh, Principal Secretary, Mines and Geology Department, Sh. Anurag Agarwal and other officers of the department also remained present in the meeting.