As part of the Sewa Pakhwada to mark Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday, chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in a cleanliness programme at the GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar district.
The chief minister swept the roadside and picked up litter to send the message of sanitation. Speaking on the occasion, the CM said that the nation is moving forward as a strong and prosperous nation under the leadership of PM Modi. The prestige and respect of the nation has grown in the international arena, he said. The PM’s birthday is being celebrated as Sewa Pakhwada.
As part of this fortnight, various activities including those related to sanitation, blood donation, seminars and other works are being undertaken across the State. MLA Shiv Arora, former MLA Rajesh Shukla, mayor Rampal Singh, deputy inspector general Nilesh Anand Bharne, district magistrate Yugal Kishore Pant and GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology director Ashish Bhatgain were also among those present on the occasion.