Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau on Tuesday said that the Bureau has conducted 104 traps in the year 2024 and recovered Rs 88.28 lakh on the spot and 86 government servants, including 6 gazetted officer, 80 non-gazetted officials and 31 private individuals, were caught red-handed while taking bribes. The Bureau spokesperson said that in its proactive drive against corruption in government departments, the Bureau in line with the zero-tolerance policy of the State Government has registered 155 cases in 2024. Out of the 155 cases, 104 were trap cases and 51 cases were registered on complaints/enquiries. Almost seven public servants were arrested on corruption charges every month, he added.
Highlighting the arrests in some big cases involving high ranking officers, he informed that a Kanungo was caught red-handed while taking Rs 5,00,000 as bribe. A Medical officer was caught red-handed while taking Rs 3,00,000 as bribe. One co-accused HCS officer and one Excise and Taxation Officer were also arrested and two fourth Class Employee was caught red-handed taking Rs 6,20,000 as bribe. Eight private persons were caught red-handed while taking Rs 30,40,000 as bribe and their co-accused were also arrested. A Home Guards employee was caught red-handed while taking Rs 2,50,000 as bribe.
He further revealed that out of 104 raids conducted in year 2024, 34 were of police department, 11 of Power Utilities, 9 of Urban Local Bodies, 8 of Excise and Taxation, 7 of the Revenue Department, 6 of Health, 3 of Social Welfare, 3 of Home Guards & Defence, 2 of Public Health Engineering, 2 of Fisheries, 2 of Forest, 2 of Agriculture, 2 of Civil Food Supplies and Consumer Affairs and 13 of other departments like HSVP, Transport, Panchayati Raj, Pollution Control Board, Mining and Geology, Horticulture, HSIIDC, Haryana Women Commission, Employees Fund Organisation, in which officials were nabbed red-handed while taking bribes upto Rs 12.50 lakh in separate cases.
During its ongoing crusade against corruption in 2024, the Bureau has registered 49 enquiries against 11 gazetted officers, 24 non-gazetted officials and 8 private persons on the direction of the state government. During the year, 90 enquiries were finalised.
Out of 90 enquiries completed during 2024, the Bureau has recommended registration of criminal case against 47 gazetted officers, 57 non-gazetted officials and 29 private persons in 8 enquiries. Additionally, in 24 enquires, departmental action against 31 gazetted officers and 52 non-gazetted officials has been recommended and in yet another 29 enquiries, registration of criminal cases along with departmental action against 33 gazetted officers, 43 non-gazetted officials & 3 private persons, the spokesperson added.