IEP Chandigarh December 9
The Haryana State Level Steering Committee on climate change met under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal today approved the Revised State action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC-2).
According to the approved revised plan of SAPCC Phase-2 (2021-30), 73 actions have been proposed out of which 37 are strongly linked to adaptation. 28 are linked to mitigation and 8 strategies have linkages to both adaptation and mitigation. The total proposed budget for these activities in 10 years (2021-30) amounts to Rs 39,371.80 crore. For the final approval, the plan would be further submitted to the National Level Steering Committee, The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
Sh. Kaushal said that the revised plan aims at aligning and redefining the goals and targets considering eight NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) goals. The Eight NDC includes Sustainable lifestyle, Cleaner Economic Development, Reducing Emission intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Increasing the share of Non-Fossil Fuel Based Electricity, Enhancing Carbon Sink (Forests) Adaptation, Mobilising Finance and Technology Transfer and Capacity Building.
Sh. Kaushal directed all the aligned Departments to update the plans, strategies and actions for the workable mitigation and adaptation action and strategy till 2030. He further directed that all the line Departments will appoint a Nodal Officer for the implementation and coordination of SAPCC-2. Bi-monthly meeting of the State Advisory Group for the monitoring and evaluation of SAPCC will also be organised, he directed.
It was apprised in the meeting that in the revised SAPCC Phase-2, the eight sectors are combined into different working groups under both adaptation and Mitigation category. These five Working Groups under Adaptation Category include Sustainable Agriculture, Water Resources, Forest and Environment including Biodiversity, Strategic Knowledge and Skill Development and Mountain Ecology. The three Working Groups for Mitigation Category include Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Solar Mission, Sustainable Habitat and Industry.
Additional Chief Secretary, Science and Technology, Sh. Ashok Khemka, Additional Chief Secretary, Environment and Climate Change, Sh. Vineet Garg, Additional Chief Secretary, Finance and Planning, Sh. Anurag Rastogi, Additional Chief Secretary, Public Health Engineering, Sh. A. K Singh and other senior officers were present in the meeting.