Category Archives: Chandigarh



For the purpose of the Presidential Election, the Election Commission of India has fixed the Committee Room ‘A’ of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Secretariat, Chandigarh, as the place of poll which will take place between  10.00 am to 5.00 pm, on Monday, the 18th July, 2022 for elected Members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly.

          Now, the Commission has relaxed the 10 days norms fixed for applying for permission to any elected Member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly to cast his/her vote at the place of polling in Room No.63, Parliament House, New Delhi as well as at any other State Headquarter who are not able to cast his/her vote at his/her own State Headquarter.

          Giving more details, Assistant Returning officer (ARO) for Presidential Election cum Secretary, Punjab Vidhan Sabha informed that If any elected Member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly is interested to cast his/her vote at New Delhi or at any other State Head Quarter, then prescribed Form in this regard can be had from the ARO which can be entertained even after 10 days before the date of poll, if there is sufficient time available for making necessary arrangements in this regard.

          He said that the option once made by any elector will be final and no change of mind will be allowed by the Commission.

MCC starts producing bricks from recycled concrete aggregate at C&D Plant


The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has started to cast bricks from recycled concrete aggregate at the automatic block making plant at C&D waste plant, industrial area, Phase-I, here today.

While sharing this information, Ms. Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh said that there was a provision to cast bricks at this plant which was started today. 9”x4½”x3” size bricks made from recycled concrete aggregate are now available for public as well as Govt. buildings works for masonry work. Approximately ten thousand bricks will be casted daily, said the Commissioner.

She said that earlier, paver blocks were prepared in this automatic blocks making machine, which proved to be a boon for not only the Municipal Corporation but for the city as well. She said that the demand for the efficient and fast production line of automatic block making machines reduces the per-unit cost of the blocks and bricks, offers high quality, less damaged and dimensionally accurate concrete products.

She said that using a block making machine in construction has been increasing over the years but this is not a coincidence as concrete blocks offer multiple advantages economically, in terms of constructive performance, as well as in build quality and versatility.

The Commissioner said that keeping in view ease of citizens, an exclusive system has been set in place for transportation of construction and demolition waste from their door steps the MCC vehicle will lift 250 cubic foot C&D waste for its scientific disposal including loading and unloading @ Rs. 800 per trip upto 5 kilometer distance from the C&D waste plant situated at industrial area Phase-I and Rs. 100 extra per kilometer beyond 5 kilometer from the plant site. She said that people may also transport their C&D waste to the 23 designated C&D waste collection centers located throughout the city.

She said that any type of concrete blocks can be produced with consistent quality by fixing different types of moulds and ram in the automatic machine and designed to deliver unparalleled performance and cost-effective solution.

The Commissioner said that various concrete products are being produced in this automatic block making machine including big and small size kerbs, channel, paver block 60mm and 80mm and PCC bricks besides bricks.

हिट पंजाबी फ़िल्म उच्चा पिंड  फेम एक्ट्रेस पूनम सूद ने पंचकूला में एम के भाटिया की  एंटरटेनमेंट कम्पनी  का किया आगाज़ 


4000 करोड़ की पंजाबी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में ट्राइसिटी व हरियाणा के  टैलेंटेड  युवाओं  को  फिल्मों में काम के लिए प्लेटफार्म प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से हाई टेक मिट्स   एंटरटेनमेंट  एंड  डिजिटेक पंचकूला में लांच ।

हाल ही में उच्चा पिंड फ़िल्म व अफसाना खान के गाने पर जबरदस्त परफॉर्मेंस देने वाली एक्ट्रेस पूनम सूद ने कहा कि हमारे क्षेत्र में प्रतिभाओं की कमी नहीं है लेकिन मुंबई जाकर स्ट्रगल करने की क्षमता सभी युवाओं में नहीं होती खासकर लड़कियों में ;  उनके लिए एमके भाटिया का यह प्रयास सराहनीय है और ऐसे प्रयासों की ट्राइसिटी को बहुत ज्यादा आवश्यकता काफी समय से थी । 

मिट्स एंटरटेनमेंट व डिजिटेक के फाउंडर डायरेक्टर एमके भाटिया ने कहा कि फार्मा इंडस्ट्री में ट्राइसिटी के युवा ब्रिगेड के साथ पिछले 10 वर्षों से हिट पारी खेलने के बाद अब वह एंटरटेनमेंट व  डिजिटल वर्ल्ड में पदार्पण करने जा रहे हैं । भाटिया  का कहना है कि वह शुरू से युवाओं की प्रतिभाओं के कायल रहे हैं व  जैसे वह अपनी हर कंपनी में उन्हें भागीदारी देकर उनके साथ  कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर चलते हैं वैसे ही एंटरटेनमेंट इंडस्ट्री में भी युवाओं की भागीदारी खास रहेगी । 

चंडीगढ़ में लगभग सात साल पहले 2004 में भी  फिल्म सिटी की परियोजना बनी थी और विवादों में घिरी यह परियोजना के रद होने के कारण 2014 में भी  प्रशासन के अधिकारी शहर में फिल्म सिटी के लिए सांसद के आग्रह को न स्वीकार कर पाये। 

भाटिया दरअसल चंडीगढ़ के शहर के युवाओं को लेकर फिल्म सिटी का सपना संजोए बैठे हैं और वह चाहते हैं कि मुंबई जाकर स्ट्रगल करने की बजाय चंडीगढ़ के युवाओं को यही फिल्मों का पूरा प्रोफेशनल माहौल मिले और युवा यहीं पर अपना सफल करियर बनाएं ।

भाटिया ने कहा कि उन्होंने हरियाणा के सी एम व चंडीगढ़ के प्रशासक के सलाहकार को भी फ़िल्म सिटी व सिंगल विंडो क्लीयरेंस के लिये ज्ञापन सौंपा है । चंडीगढ़ में रंगमंच का कल्चर पिछले 60 सालों से है लेकिन इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर की कमी की वजह से यहां के बेहतरीन लाजवाब एक्टर की मुंबई में स्ट्रगल कर अपने करियर् को दिशा नहीं दे पाते हैं इसीलिए उन्होंने  एंटरटेनमेंट कंपनी की नींव रखी है , वह चाहते हैं कि सिंगल विंडो क्लीयरेंस हरियाणा  चंडीगढ़ व  पंजाब में निर्माताओं को मिले ताकि यहां फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री फले फुले ।

Canada based company Provita Nutrition expressed its willingness to invest in Haryana: Agriculture Minister JP Dalal


Haryana Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare and Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Sh. Jai Prakash Dalal said that Canada based Provita Nutrition has expressed its willingness to invest in Haryana. He added that company officials will explore investment opportunities in the state during the month of August.

        A delegation led by Sh. Dalal during the visit to Canada visited Provita Nutrition Company in Saskatoon and Saskatchewan province of Canada. He interacted with the management members of the company and apprised them regarding the business friendly environment of Haryana and also invited them to invest in Haryana. The Provita Nutrition Management Company is mainly engaged in livestock, poultry and fish feed and supplements. The Agriculture Minister also assured all possible assistance to Provita Nutrition.

Human resource exchange for embryo transfer technology training will happen between Haryana and Canada

        Members of the delegation led by Sh. Dalal also visited Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Members of the delegation had a meeting with senior faculty members from Western College and officials from the Embassy of Canada. During the meeting, it was discussed to find out the mutual interests of the State of Haryana and the Canadian State of Saskatchewan. The meeting discussed HR exchange for Embryo Transfer Technology training in the month of May next year under which HLDB will nominate 2-3 officers of the department for this training.

Possibilities will be explored for setting up of modern dairy farm facility in Hisar for indigenous cows, buffaloes and exotic animals

        The Canadian delegation headed by Sh. Dalal also visited the Rayner Dairy Research Facility at the University of Saskatchewan. He also visited the state-of-the-art facility of 200 Holstein Friesian Cow Dairy Farm with Robotic Milking Parlor at the Dairy Research Centre. Sh. Dalal also visited a dairy farm with modern agricultural management practices and said that a similar modern dairy farm facility for indigenous cows, buffaloes and exotic animals will be explored at the livestock farm in Hisar.

Discussion on the possibility of setting up a semen facility with Canadian expertise along with increasing milk production of indigenous cattle breeds

        The delegation led by Sh. Dalal, which included Commissioner and Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Sh. Pankaj Agarwal, Political and Commerce Ambassador of Toronto, Sumanne Krishna, and senior officials of Haryana Livestock Development Board, visited the University of Guelph, Canada in which experts from various fields also gave their presentations. Dr. Michael Hall of the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association and Dr. Dave Vandenbrock, member of the Canadian Swine Exporters Association, gave a detailed presentation on dairy, swine and goat genetics. Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice President (Research) University of Guelph and Dr. Stephen LeBlanc, Professor, Ontario Veterinary College spoke specifically about their research programme on the dairy sector. The focus of this meeting and presentation was to explore areas of cooperation for mutual benefit. The meeting also discussed the possibility of setting up a semen facility with Canadian expertise along with increasing the milk production of indigenous cattle breeds. Experts from the University of Guelph said that they want to have a stronger collaboration with the state of Haryana as they have already signed MoUs with Luwas and CCSHAU in Hisar for some research activities on dairy and agriculture.

Delegation visits Semex Genetics Farmers Cooperative Company in Guelph City of Canada

        The delegation, under the guidance of Sh. Dalal, visited Semex Genetics Farmers’ Cooperative Company in Guelph City of Canada and inquired about the facilities. Mr. Brad Sayles, Chief Operating Officer, Semex Technology and Mr. Matt McCready, CEO Marketing, Semex Genetics welcomed the delegation and also gave a brief presentation on what Semex Genetics is about and working. Semex Genetics also specializes in providing sex sorted semen, embryos, sexed embryos and Invitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT) services. The Commissioner and Secretary, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Sh. Pankaj Agrawal, and Dr. Bagoria expressed interest in collaborating with Semex Genetics in connection with setting up of Sexed Sorted Semen facility at Hisar for indigenous cattle and buffaloes. The representatives of Semex Genetics expressed their interest to consider the proposal and said that they would hold talks with the Haryana officials after working out the feasibility of the proposal.

        The delegation included Chairman, Haryana Livestock Development Board, Sh. Randhir Singh Golan, Chairman of Haryana Warehouse Corporation, Sh. Nayanpal Rawat, Chairman of Haryana Forest Development Corporation, Sh. Dharampal Gonder, Commissioner and Secretary, Haryana Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Sh. Pankaj Agarwal and other officials.

Haryana Government constitutes Backward Classes Commission, headed by Justice (retired) Darshan Singh


Following the announcement made by Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, the State Government here today constituted the Haryana Backward Classes Commission afresh in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of section 3 of the Haryana Backward Classes Commission Act, 2016 ( 9 of 2016 ).

        Justice Sh. Darshan Singh (Retd) Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court has been nominated as the Commission Chairperson, while Dr. S.K Gakhar, Former Vice Chancellor, Sh. Shyam Lal Jangra and Director General, Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Member Department, Haryana, are nominated as members. Besides this, Sh. Mukul Kumar, Special Secretary, Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Welfare Department, has been nominated as Member Secretary.

        Further, while performing the functions as provided under section 9 of the said Act, the Commission shall undertake the following works including studying the present social, educational and economic conditions of the backward classes in the state, studying the representation and participation of backward classes in the Government and benefits and schemes of the Government,  assess the benefits provided to the students from backward classes in educational institutions and estimate the employment opportunities available to youth from the backward classes and to recommend measures for enhancement of employment opportunities.

        Besides this, the Commission would also evaluate the current activities for skill development and training aimed at youth from the backward classes, study and recommend the proportion of reservation for backward classes required to be provisioned in Panchayati Raj Institutions and Municipalities in the State.

        The Commission would also study and recommend such measures, as may be required for the social, educational and economic welfare of the backward classes.

Citizen Mobile App for Complaint Management System launched: Dr  Kamal Gupta


According to the decision of Government of India, Single Use plastic has been banned in the state. Urban Local Bodies Minister, Dr. Kamal Gupta launched the Citizen Mobile App for Complaint Management System for citizens to file complaints. Through this, any citizen can file online complaint about plastic.

The Urban Local Body Minister said that the citizens can use this mobile app for complaining about burning of plastic waste in cities, lodging complaints of plastic garbage, manufacturing, distribution, stocking, sale and use etc. On mobile, this app can be accessed using Parivar Pehchan Patra ID. As soon as the complaint is registered, it will reach the supervisors of the concerned authorities. The app has been linked with Goggle maps and the information regarding the place from where the complaint has come will also be received.

Dr. Gupta said that the supervisors can reach the spot and issue an online challan which can be settled through online, RTGS, Net Banking, Credit Card, Phone etc.

He requested the citizens to download this app and file complaints wherever they get information about the use, burning, garbage, distribution, stock, sale etc. So that plastic be banned completely. 

10 HCS officers transferred in Haryana


Haryana Government has issued transfer and posting orders of 10 HCS officers with immediate effect.

          Dr. Sushil Kumar-II, District Municipal Commissioner, Sirsa has been posted as CEO, Zila Parishad, Sonipat and CEO, DRDA, Sonipat and Zonal Administrator, HSAMB, Karnal.

          Virat, Additional Director (Establishment), Housing for All, Haryana – cum-Secretary, Housing Board Haryana and Additional CEO, Panchkula Metropolitan Development Authority, Panchkula has been posted as Additional Director (Establishment), Housing for All, Haryana – cum-Secretary, Housing Board, Haryana and Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission.

          Dalbir Singh, Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Meham, General Manager, Haryana Roadways, Rohtak and Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Rohtak has been posted as CEO, Zila Parishad and CEO, DRDA, Jind and Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Meham.

          Narender Pal Malik, Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil)-cum – Additional Collector, Thanesar has been posted as Additional Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Panipat.

          Dr. Kiran Singh, CEO, Zila Parishad, Jind and CEO, DRDA, Jind has been posted as District Municipal Commissioner, Sirsa.

          Surender Singh-II, Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Ganaur has been given additional charge of General Manager, Haryana Roadways, Delhi.

          Surender Singh-III, Estate Officer HSVP, Panipat and Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Sampla has been posted as District Municipal Commissioner, Jind.

          Aditi, Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Karnal has been posted as Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Thanesar.

          Anubhav Mehta, Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Karnal has been given additional charge of Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Karnal.

          Dr. Naresh Kumar, Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Faridabad has been posted as Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Gurugram.



The newly launched Volvo bus service from Punjab to Delhi airport has proved boon for the common man as around 17,500 passengers have benefitted within less than a month in these buses.

            Divulging the details, Punjab Transport Minister S. Laljit Singh Bhullar, on Tuesday, said that within 25 days of inauguration of bus service by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on June 15, the Volvo bus service plying between the state of Punjab and IGI Airport Delhi has been beneficial for common man.

            He said that 20 Volvo buses of Punjab Roadways, PUNBUS and PRTC are daily operating from Amritsar, Pathankot, Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Jalandhar, Patiala, Nawanshahr, Ropar, Moga and Chandigarh to IGI Airport New Delhi by ending the monopoly of private transporters and introducing cheap, comfortable and luxurious travel facility to IGI airport at a meagre fare, even less than half of private transporters. Besides booking of tickets at the bus counters, passengers desirous to go to airport are also getting benefit of online booking.

            The Transport Minister said, with the onset of these buses, transport mafia is becoming a thing of past day by day as only private transporters had run their buses on this route for decades and looted the people by charging impulsively, adding that vested interests of Akali and congress leaders prohibited them from plying government buses to the airport.

            S. Bhullar said that Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Singh Mann led state government is taking every initiative to safeguard the interests of Punjabis and eliminate all sort of mafia or monopolisation from the state.



 Fulfilling another major poll promise of significant improvement in the healthcare system and to provide best healthcare services free of cost to the people across the state, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led state government will operationalize “Mohalla clinics” on the Independence Day on August 15.

            Health and Family Welfare Minister S. Chetan Singh Jouramajra said that these clinics, which would spread across the state, would enable decentralized delivery as well as strengthening of primary health care to people at their doorsteps, thereby increasing access to an expanded range of services, reduce out of pocket expenditure, improve disease surveillance and strengthen referral linkages especially for the vulnerable and marginalised sections.

            Notably, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, in his statement recently, disclosed that during the first Phase, 75 Mohalla clinics will be made operational across the state by 15th August 2022 to mark the 75th Independence day. By end of this fiscal year, 109 Mohalla clinics will be set up.

            The Minister further said that every Mohalla clinic will be staffed with a Medical officer, Pharmacist, Clinical Assistant & Sweeper cum Helper. The Human resources at Mohalla clinics is to be empanelled on per patient basis. These clinics will provide outpatient care for a range of curative care for common illnesses, first aid for injuries, dressing and management of minor wounds. Referral and subsequent follow up for specialized care will also be done through these clinics. Health education, information and awareness too shall be focused upon, he added.

            “Essential drugs and tests will be made available at Mohalla clinics. The diagnostic facilities at Mohalla clinics will be provided through PPP mode”, said the Minister, adding that this will ensure availability of diagnostic tests at Mohalla clinics in a cost-efficient and consistent manner. An IT system will be developed for the registration of patients and record keeping at Mohalla clinics. Teleconsultation services with the specialist will also be introduced in a phased manner, he added.

            The Minister said that empanelment process has already started for this project.

STF Haryana arrests five members of Lawrence Bishnoi gang


In a major crackdown, the Special Task Force (STF) of Haryana Police has arrested five notorious miscreants of Lawrence Bishnoi gang from Bahadurgarh. A number of stolen luxury cars were also recovered.

        Sharing the information here today, the Haryana Police spokesperson informed that those who have been arrested include Chiraag, who is handling the drug trade of Bishnoi gang in South Haryana and the younger brother of Tinu Bhiwani arrested in the Musewala murder case; Manoj Bakkarwala, the country’s famous car thief; Prakash Barmer, resident of Barmer in Rajasthan; Amit of Pinjore and Sanjay, a resident of Zirakpur, Punjab.

        The STF team received specific input regarding the movement of the accused in Bahadurgarh. Acting swiftly, the team laid a trap near Bahadurgarh bypass and apprehended them.

        Giving further details of crackdown, STF SP Sh. Sumit Kumar informed that all the above miscreants are active members of Lawrence Bishnoi gang who supply luxury vehicles and drugs for the gang. They also supply weapons to the gang from Delhi to Haryana and Punjab besides making extortion. Riding in stolen Innova and Scorpio vehicles, these miscreants had entered Haryana from Delhi side.

        SP Sumit Kumar said that all the arrested miscreants were working for the Lawrence Bishnoi and Kala Jathedi gang for a long time. Thorough interrogation of all is going on so that the rest of the gang members can also be apprehended.

        Accused Manoj Bakkarwala and the rest of the miscreants came in contact with Lawrence Bishnoi and Sampat Nehra through the notorious gangster Tinu Bhiwani of Bishnoi gang. Since then these are working for this gang.

        During interrogation, Manoj Bakkarwala has also revealed that apart from providing weapons and drugs to the Bishnoi gang, he has also been a habitual offender of stealing luxury cars and has so far stolen hundreds of luxury vehicles from different states of the country. He has been arrested many times and escaped by dodging the police. There are many cases registered against him in Delhi, Haryana, UP and Punjab.  In addition, he has been jailed for about 10 years till now.

        He said that the team of STF is also searching for other miscreants of this entire gang and raids are also being conducted in many places in this connection.