Category Archives: Punjab



Aiming to curb the menace of corruption from the society Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Friday nabbed Anil Kumar Panchayat Secretary, posted at Block Talwara, Hoshiarpur district red handed accepting bribe of Rs. 10,000.

Disclosing this here, a spokesperson of the state Vigilance Bureau said the bureau had launched a crusade on the directions of chief minister Bhagwant Mann to eradicate the corrupt practices among the government offices and public life in the state. In this regard the VB has caught Anil Kumar, Panchayat Secretary posted at village Changrwan, under BDPO office Talwara, Hoshiarpur district for demanding and accepting bribe from the complainant Sushma Devi, Sarpanch of village Changrwan, block Talwara.

He added that the complainant has approached the Bureau and alleged that accused Panchayat Secretary Anil Kumar was demanding bribe in the name of audit of gram panchayat funds which was already settled by an audit team and threatening that auditors may give adverse report against the utilisation of funds pertaining to the panchayat.

After finding the veracity of facts a vigilance team laid a trap and the accused was nabbed red handed in the presence of two government officials as witnesses. The tainted money was recovered from him, he added.

The spokesperson informed that in this regard vigilance case under FIR No. 10, dated 01-07-2022, u/s 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act at Vigilance Bureau Police Station Jalandhar has been registered and further investigation was under progress.

MCC employees pledges against the single use of plastic


The employees of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh today pledged against the single use of plastic items.

They pledged to reduce usage of the plastic to prevent environmental degradation, to educate their peer and neighbors, their family and every individual in the community about the consequences of plastic waste in the local environment.

The employees pledged to stop usage of all the single use plastic bottles, plastic bags and all such plastic products which are harmful to living and non-living beings. They pledged to adopt and promote usage of the steel or glass bottles, cloth bags, other eco friendly products and to make Chandigarh a more environmental friendly for the generations to come.

They pledge not to suffocate the Mother Nature and make this city more beautiful and chose to refuse single use plastic.

ARD PGIMER celebrates National Doctors Day by organising a Blood Donation Camp


Association of Resident Doctors(ARD), PGIMER Chandigarh organised a Blood Donation Camp in PGIMER on National  Doctors  Day on 1st July 2022. ARD collaborated with Thalassaemic Charitable Trust (Regd) PGI-GMCH (TCT). The camp was inaugurated by Prof (Dr) Vivek Lal, Director PGIMER alongwith Prof(Dr) Vipin Kaushal, Medical Superintendent and other faculty members and officers of PGI administration. Dr.RahuI Chakravarty, President ARD and other members of ARD welcomed the Director and thanked all the  dignitaries.  Cake cutting to celebrate National Doctors Day was done by the Director, PGIMER.

Total 92 Doctors donated blood in this camp. The camp was conducted according COVID19 guidelines. Donors were provided certificates, refreshment and customised mugs as a token of gratitude. Shri Rajinder Kalra, Member Secretary of Thalassaemic Charitable Trust expressed deep gratitude to the Association of Resident Doctors for arranging this Blood Donation camp. A sheet was maintained where doctors were asked what drove them to donate blood, the most common reasons were listed as:

1.Donating blood is divine , everyone should do 

2.To give back to the society in my own way

3.Intraoperative blood loss and scarcity of blood products 

4.The gift of blood is a gift to someone’s life

5.It’s better to donate than to waste

हरियाणा ‘इज ऑफ डुईंग बिजनेस’ में भी बना टॉप रेंकड


एमएसएमई के क्षेत्र में किए गए उल्लेखनीय कार्यों के लिए भारत सरकार द्वारा जहां प्रदेश को राष्टï्रीय स्तर पर तीसरा स्थान हासिल हुआ है, वहीं वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग मंत्रालय द्वारा जारी ‘स्टेट इज ऑफ डुईंग बिजनेस’ के पांचवें संस्करण में हरियाणा को टॉप अचीवर्स कैटेगरी में होने की घोषणा की गई। हरियाणा के उपमुख्यमंत्री श्री दुष्यंत चौटाला, जिनके पास वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग विभाग का प्रभार भी है, ने हरियाणा सरकार की इस उपलब्धि पर खुशी जताते हुए विभाग तथा उद्यमियों को बधाई दी है।वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग मंत्रालय द्वारा उद्योग एवं आंतरिक व्यापार के प्रोमोशन के लिए गठित विभाग (डीपीआईआईटी) ‘स्टेट इज ऑफ डुईंग बिजनेस’ का पांचवां संस्करण नई दिल्ली में आज भारत की वित्त मंत्री श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमण ने केंद्रीय वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग मंत्री श्री पीयूष गोयल की उपस्थिति में जारी किया।

इसमें हरियाणा को टॉप अचीवर्स कैटेगरी में होने की घोषणा की गई। इस कैटेगरी में हरियाणा के अलावा टॉप अचीवर्स कैटेगरी में आंध्र प्रदेश, गुजरात, कर्नाटक, पंजाब, तमिलनाडु और तेलंगाना शामिल है।उद्योग एवं वाणिज्य विभाग के प्रधान सचिव श्री विजयेंद्र कुमार ने बताया कि डीपीआईआईटी ने राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों (यूटी) के समन्वय से देश में कारोबारी माहौल में सुधार के लिए कई कदम उठाए हैं। सभी राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों को इन सुधारात्मक कदमों के कार्यान्वयन और फीडबैक के आधार पर रैंक किया गया है। उन्होंने बताया कि वर्ष 2020 की कार्य योजना में 15 क्षेत्रों में 301 सुधार बिंदु शामिल थे। इन सुधारों के कार्यान्वयन में हरियाणा ने 99+ प्रतिशत का स्कोर हासिल किया है।उन्होंने यह भी बताया कि इसके अतिरिक्त, निर्यात तैयारी सूचकांक (भूमि बंद श्रेणी)-2021 में राज्य को पहला तथा ‘लॉजिस्टिक्स इज एक्रोस डिफरेंट स्टेटस सर्वे’-2021 में दूसरा स्थान मिला है।

उन्होंने कहा कि राज्य सरकार ने मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल के नेतृत्व व उपमुख्यमंत्री श्री दुष्यंत चौटाला के मागदर्शन में राज्य में निवेश के माहौल में सुधार के लिए कई प्रमुख कदम उठाए गए, जिनमें नई औद्योगिक नीति ‘हरियाणा उद्यम और रोजगार नीति 2020’ विशेष रही। इन नीति का उद्देश्य राज्य में 5 लाख नौकरियां पैदा करना, 1 लाख करोड़ से अधिक का निवेश आकर्षित करना और निर्यात को दोगुना करके 2 लाख करोड़ करना है। उन्होंने बताया कि राज्य में 100 राज्य-विधियों (अधिनियमों, नियमों और दिशा-निर्देशों) का पुनर्मूल्यांकन किया गया जिससे प्रदेश में निवेश के अनुकूल माहौल बना है। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रदेश की औद्योगिक नीति को सभी निवेशकों और औद्योगिक संघों आदि से प्रशंसा मिलीहै। हरियाणा में राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति के कई निवेश-प्रस्तावों जैसे मारुति, फाइवले, ग्रासिम पेंट्स, एटीएल बैटरीज, आरती ग्रीन टेक लिमिटेड, एम्पेरेक्स टेक्नोलॉजीज लिमिटेड, एनरिच एग्रो फुड प्रोडेक्टस, जीएलएस पोलिफिल्मस आदि ने रूचि दिखाई है।श्री विजयेंद्र कुमार ने हरियाणा सरकार की उद्योगों को अनुकूल पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र प्रदान करने की प्रतिबद्धता के कारण ही हरियाणा की ईज ऑफ डूइंग बिजनेस, ईज ऑफ लॉजिस्टिक्स और एक्सपोर्ट रेडीनेस में उत्कृष्टï रैंकिंग आई है। उन्होंने कहा कि हमें खुशी है कि राज्य सरकार के प्रयासों को उद्योगपतियों द्वारा अच्छी तरह से प्राप्त किया गया है, क्योंकि प्रदेश में उक्त कैटेगरियों में जो रैंकिंग आई हैं उनमें निवेशकों से भी राज्य में उद्योग सुधारों और सुविधाओं पर प्रतिक्रिया ली गई हैं।

Punjab Assembly passes bill on ‘one MLA, one pension’; three others


Punjab Vidhan Sabha’s budget session concluded on Thursday with the passage of four bills, including the one to discontinue the earlier practice of giving multiple term pensions to the former legislators amidst a fiery exchange of words between the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and the Leader of Opposition Partap Singh Bajwa.

With the passage of ‘The Punjab State Legislatures Members (Pension and Medical Facilities Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2022, the former legislators will get pension for a single term — a move expected to save Rs 19.53 crore annually.

Now, the former MLA, irrespective of the number of terms he had served as a member and irrespective of the tenures of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, in which he had served as a member, will get a pension of Rs 60,000 per month-plus-Dearness Allowance (DA) thereon (as admissible to the Punjab Government pensioners).

However, when a former MLA will attain the age of 65, 75, and 80, he or she shall, respectively, be entitled to an increase of five per cent, 10 per cent, and 15 per cent of the basic pension, admissible to him or her at the attainment of such age.

As per the earlier provisions an ex-MLA used to get Rs 15,000 per month pension plus Dearness Allowance thereon (as admissible to the Punjab Government Pensioners) for the first term, and an additional 15,000 plus Dearness Allowance thereon (as admissible to the Punjab Government Pensioners) for every subsequent term irrespective of the tenures of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, in which he or she had served as a member.

As the Parliamentary Affairs Minister Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer tabled the Bill, Congress MLA from Jalandhar Cantt Pargat Singh insisted on keeping in mind the protocol while deciding on MLA’s pension. “An MLA’s protocol is equal to that of the Chief Secretary…I agree that every former MLA should be given one pension only…But, at the same time, it should be ensured that their pay and pension should be higher, or at least equivalent to the Chief Secretary keeping in mind the protocol which says that the posts of the MLA and that of Chief Secretary are equal,” he said.

Joining in, SAD MLA Dr Sukhwinder Kumar Sukhi appreciated the decision but maintained that MLAs should given due respect, and should not be downgraded. Insisting that all MLAs should not be categorised into one as there are many who actually wanted to serve the people and are not “chor”, he pointed that there are members in the House who do not have regular source of income and thus while taking any decision, their condition should also be kept in the mind.

Participating in the debate on the Bill, Bajwa also insisted that one should not generalise and dub all MLAs as “beimaan” or “thugs”. He added that we should pay them (MLAs) well, so that no one will think of indulging in such practices as many wanted to work in good faith and serve the people.

Intervening, Mann said that the Bill was not regarding MLA’s salaries or other benefits, but regarding pensions of former MLAs. Countering Bajwa and other MLAs’ argument to ensure MLAs’ salary is equivalent or higher than that of a Chief Secretary, Mann said: “An officer becomes eligible for pension only after 20 years of service…MLA is elected for five years…And after five years, you wanted to have pension equivalent to an IAS, CS?? A young man, who becomes MLA at the age of 27, becomes eligible for pension just after five years, in such a scenario it is unfair to equate both.”

Taking Bajwa head-on, Mann asked, “Why you apply for that job when you know about the salary…Do something else.”

Angered Bajwa retorted asking the Chief Minister why he always make everything “so dramatic…Why are you always playing to the gallery?”

Continuing, Mann added that a committee is already in place to review MLAs’ salaries. Responding to Bajwa, who could not be heard as his mike was off, Mann said that the Congress should not have any expectations from them… “We are accountable to the people,” he added.

Further taking a dig at Bajwa, Mann referred to his old interview ahead of elections. “Bajwa, in his interview, claimed that he had served under five Chief Ministers, and now wanted to serve Punjab…Now here he is seeking salary hike,” he quipped while asking the members to look at the people who are earning just Rs 5,000 a month but are still pushing their life.



Punjab Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Mann led state government has introduced Petro Card/Fleet Card facility for the vehicles allotted to the Cabinet Ministers of the state. The State Transport Commissioner’s Office has commenced this facility after getting the nod from Finance Department in this regard.

Drivers deputed at the vehicles alloted to the ministers have been instructed to refuel the vehicles only at those petrol pumps where Petro Card facility will be available, besides making it mandatory to put the vehicle number on the computerized slip received from the pump and submit the duly filled logbook along with both the receipts -computerized and manual- after getting verify the bills by the 5th of every month and mention accurate amount on the summary sheet, failing which the Petro Card will be blocked and in case of loss of the Petro Card, the driver will be charged.

Drivers have also been directed to abide by the fuel limit and they will be solely responsible for violating the prescribed fuel limit. Drivers have been asked to fill in all the details on the duly signed summary sheet such as their name, mobile number, vehicle number and the name of the minister whom the vehicle has been alloted and mention open/closing meter reading accurately.

Meanwhile, Punjab Transport Minister Mr. Laljit Singh Bhullar urged all the Cabinet Ministers to ensure strict adherence to the instructions by the concerned drivers deputed on their vehicles so that the facility of Petro Card could be run smoothly.



In an extensive and planned operation, the Punjab Police have busted an inter-state gang backed by Gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Harwinder Rinda, with the arrest of its 11 members after recovering nine weapons and five looted vehicles from their possession, said ADGP Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF) Promod Ban, while addressing a Press Conference here on Thursday. The operation was carried out by the Jalandhar Rural Police.

          Those arrested have been identified as Mohd. Yaseen Akhtar alias Jaisy Purewal of Nakodar, Jalandhar; Sagar Singh of Naya Shahar Badala in Mohali; Amar Malik of Samrala, Ludhiana; Navi of Lohian, Jalandhar; Ankush Sabharwal @ Paya of Nakodar, Jalandhar; Sumit Jaswal @ Kaku of Una (HP); Amandeep alias Shooter of Phillaur, Jalandhar; Shiv Kumar @ Shiva of Phillaur, Jalandhar; Vishal alias Fauji of Nakodar, Jalandhar; Arun Kumar alias Mani Rana of Una (HP) and Annu alias Pehalwan of Kapurthala. All the arrested persons are history-sheeters and have been facing cases of heinous crimes.

          ADGP Promod Ban, who was accompanied by SSP Jalandhar Rural Swapan Sharma, said that this group was active in several neighboring states and had been involved in crimes including murder, attempt to murder, armed dacoity, organized extortion, dacoity, robbery, and drug smuggling. “With their arrest, Punjab Police has thwarted at least seven murders, two police custody escapes, and four armed robberies,” he added.

          The ADGP said that, as per preliminary investigations, the gang was being operated by Vikram Brar, an associate of Goldy Brar on the directions of Harwinder Singh alias Rinda. Notably, Brar, a resident of Hanumangarh in Rajasthan currently residing abroad is wanted by the Police of six states. He is a classmate of Lawrence Bishnoi and is active on social media.

          Giving details about arrested persons, SSP Swapan Sharma said that Mohamad Yaseen Akhtar alias Jasse has been missing since a year. A prodigy of Brar and Lawrence, Jasse has been involved in at least 16 criminal activities, he said.

          He said that another arrested person identified as Ankush Sabarwal alias Paya, who has six criminal cases registered against him, was a student of Vikram Brar at an IELTS center in Nakodar in 2014 and had been providing shelter and safe house to Saurav Mahakal of Maharashtra, who was arrested by Pune Police. Along with Mahakal, he committed three crimes in Punjab, during Mahakal’s two-month stay in the state.

          The SSP said that Arun Kumar alias Mani Rana is a jailed gangster and is operating on the behest of the Lawrence-Jaggu Bhagwanpuria group. The arrested gang had planned Mani Rana’s escape from Police custody during a court hearing in Una, Himachal Pradesh, he said, while adding that Sumit Jaswal alias Kaku has been arrested as he was actively involved in doing recce and organizing logistics for this escape attempt. “With the arrest of this gang, the backbone of organized criminal activities in the Doaba region in general and Jalandhar, in particular, has been broken,” he added.

          Pertinently, in the past two months, Jalandhar Rural Police has arrested 32 gang members across the state-affiliated with various jailed gangsters and recovered 38 weapons from their possession.


Today, the Higher Education and Languages Minister Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer presented a resolution opposing the Union Government’s attempt to change the character of the Panjab University, Chandigarh which was passed by the Punjab Vidhan Sabha and now it would be sent for taking up with the Union Government. Speaking on the resolution, Higher Education Minister Meet Hayer said that Panjab University is our heritage and it is a matter of identity for us, Punjabis. State government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is firmly committed to safeguard the rights of Punjab. Alongwith Panjab University, Punjab has full rights on Punjabi speaking areas and waters.

Resolution tables by the Education Minister Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer in the Vidhan Sabha:-

This House is concerned about the attempt being made by some vested interests to push the matter for change of status of Panjab University into a Central University on one pretext or the other.

The House acknowledges and recognizes that the Punjab University was re-commenced with an Act of the Punjab State namely the Panjab University Act 1947 after independence, and subsequently with the reorganization of the State of Punjab in 1966, it was declared as an Inter-State Body Corporate under Section 72(1) of the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966 enacted by the Parliament. Since its inception, the Panjab University has been continuously and uninterruptedly functioning in the State of Punjab. It was shifted from Lahore, the then capital of Punjab, to Hoshiarpur and then to Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab. More than 175 colleges of Punjab, which are situated in the districts of Fazilka, Ferozpur, Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana, Moga, Sri Muktsar Sahib and S.B.S Nagar, are affiliated with the Panjab University at present. The entire territorial jurisdiction and the populace, which the Panjab University is catering to, falls majorly in the state of Punjab, in addition to the area under Union Territory of Chandigarh, which despite many resolutions of this august house has not been restored as the capital of Punjab state only and continues to be a Union Territory.

Historically, the people of Punjab have been very intimately associated and have identified themselves with this university right from its inception. The Panjab University occupies an emotional place in the minds of Punjabis on account of historical, regional and cultural reasons. The University has emerged as an educational and cultural symbol of Punjab’s legacy and inheritance to the extent that it has almost become synonymous with the State of Punjab,

Despite the fact that the States of Haryana and Himachal stopped contributing their share of the maintenance deficit grants to the University, the State of Punjab has increased its share from 20 percent to 40 percent and has continuously been paying it since 1976. The Government of Haryana unilaterally withdrew the affiliation of its colleges from the University and transferred the same to the other Universities within Haryana State, which has reduced the revenue of the university. The Government of India vide its notification dated 27-10-1997 ceased the representation of Haryana in various governing bodies of the University.

This House has observed that the University has been managing and conducting its financial affairs unilaterally. The State of Punjab has however increased the Grant-in-Aid from Rs. 20 crores to Rs. 45.30 crores during the financial year 2020-21, which amounts to an increase of more than 75 %. Besides, nearly Rs 100 crore is collected annually by the University from the affiliated Colleges located in Punjab. This substantial increase may not be commensurate with the needs of the Panjab University, but this is due to the reason that there is no bilateral consultative process in place.

This House strongly and unanimously feels that any decision to change the character of the Panjab University won’t be acceptable to the people of Punjab and therefore, strongly recommends that no change in the nature and character of this University should be considered by the Government of India. Any proposal in case it is being considered should be dropped with immediate effect.

Therefore, this House strongly recommends to the State Government to take up the matter with the Central Government so as not to alter the nature and character of the Panjab University in any way keeping in view the sentiments of the people of Punjab.”



Reiterating firm commitment of the state government to regularise the services of all the eligible contractual employees, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today announced to constitute a three member Cabinet committee comprising Cabinet Ministers Harpal cheema, Gurmeet singh Meet Hayer and Harjot Singh Bains to remove all the legal hurdles for passing a new bill in this regard.

          Announcing this at the floor of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, the Chief Minister said that the state government is fully sensitive towards the need for regularising the services of the employees working on contract, ad-hoc, daily wages, work charge and temporary basis. However, he said that a law framed for this purpose in 2016 is subjudice and another one drafted in 2021 is still waiting for the nod of Punjab Governor. But, Bhagwant Mann said that the state government is committed for giving relief to the thousands of such employees due to which this Cabinet committee has been formed which will explore ways and means to regularise the services of these employees after due consultation with the legal experts.

          The Chief Minister said that the government has set its wheels in motion for which Cabinet in its meeting held today has given nod to a draft of new bill in this regard. Bhagwant Mann said that the Cabinet committee will examine the legal feasibility of this draft in due consultation with Advocate General of Punjab. He said that foolproof fresh bill will be drafted to provide succour to these employees.

          The Chief Minister said that the state government will not hesitate to convene a special session of the state assembly for introducing this new bill. Bhagwant Mann said that this was on the top priority of the state government and no stone will be left unturned for this noble cause. He said that state government is duty bound to give relief to these employees for which all the legal hurdles will be cleared before implementing the new draft bill so that it doesn’t hang in fire like the previous bills.

Union Minister for PowerR K Singh inaugurates NHRC-IGNCA Conference, says respect for human rights is in DNA of Indians

IEP Chandigarh

The Union Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy, Mr. R.K. Singh has said that respecting human rights has been inherent in Indian way of life since time immemorial, and much before these were defined by the West. He said that Indians are different because they have always come across as evolved human beings having respect for human rights in their genes. Nevertheless, in order to protect the rights of the people, sometimes tough laws are also needed like Unlawful Activities Protection Act to deal those who indulge in heinous crimes against fellow human beings.

Mr. Singh was addressing, as the Chief Guest, the inaugural session of the two day ‘National Conference on Human Rights in Indian Culture and Philosophy’, organized jointly by the National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, India and Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, IGNCA in New Delhi today on 30th June, 2022.

He said that respecting rights of women has been a very old tradition of Indian society much before the West realized these in the 60s. We come from a culture where a common man can question the king. Indian history and culture is very vast, and there is a need to study it more with Indian perspective. These have been studied and researched by the western academia interpreting Indian history with their perspective. That is an aspect which needs remedy and it should be useful to compile the research papers part of such an important conference into a book.

Mr. Singh said that the inherent values of leading a life with principles are in the nature of Indians, which are not taught to them. Nevertheless, we also have enabling laws to protect rights. He said that it is our country that has expanded the concept of human rights by ensuring houses, piped water connection, electricity, gas connection for all; health insurance cover of Rs. 5 lakh to every family below the poverty line and right to food that ensured 80 crore people got free food: that is the concept of our human rights and let no one preach us. India had a treasure house of books kept in the library of Nalanda signifying the literacy level of the country.

Earlier, addressing the gathering, the NHRC, Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra said that India has given a new philosophy to the world. He said that Dharma has been recognized as a way of life in India and not as a narrow understanding of religion. Therefore, the conduct, as a set principle of life, has become a strong pillar for respecting human rights.

He said that the concept of global village being talked about now has been a very ancient philosophy as reflected in the ethos of vasudhaiv kutumbakam. Referring to several scriptures of different religious faiths, he said that in Indian culture, there has never been a monopoly of any religious faith or ideology, because there has been acceptance for all beliefs, and that is why the concept of religious conversion never met the approval, as its need was never felt.

Justice Mishra said that much in line with the old Indian way of life and beliefs, the Emperor Akbar also started Deen-e-illahi to bring all the people of different faiths on one platform. Justice Mishra said that it is not understood why and due to which reason there is an effort to divide different religions: when there is no difference in human beings, why should they be differentiated in the name of religion. He emphasized that there is a need to implement again the concept of Deen-e-illahi. Justice Mishra said that Indians give importance to human values and respect everyone as in Indian culture there is equal respect for all the religions and nobody should take it as our weakness.

Mr. Ram Bahadur Rai, IGNCA Board of Trustee President, said that this is a new initiative to hold a much needed discussion on India’s contribution to the world in terms of culture and philosophy. He said that Indian culture and philosophy are not an intellectual process; humanity is embedded in them like heart beating.

Dr. D.M. Mulay, Member, NHRC said that in the 75 years of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, it is time to put forward the contribution of India to the global civilization. He said that the struggle for independence, principles non-violence of Gandhiji, and much before in the history, the denouncement of war by the Emperor Ashoka after victory to spread peace,  have been the actions that all have in their basis the concept of respect for human rights.

He said that in the welfare of the world, lies the well being of human beings is the Indian concept of human rights. This has reflected all through in its ancient traditions, scriptures, the words of poet saints and social reformers, which are a collection of immeasurable values of life that translate into respect for human rights as basic principles of leading life.

Earlier, during the day, in the two thematic sessions, leading into the culmination of this inaugural session, chaired by the NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra and Member, Mr. Justice M.M. Kumar, several thought provoking interventions were made by the leading academicians on the various facets of ancient Indian culture and philosophy embedded in the values for human rights as these are being understood and defined today.

The two day conference will conclude on 1st July, 2022.



Punjab Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Mann led state government has introduced Petro Card/Fleet Card facility for the vehicles allotted to the Cabinet Ministers of the state. The State Transport Commissioner’s Office has commenced this facility after getting the nod from Finance Department in this regard.

Drivers deputed at the vehicles alloted to the ministers have been instructed to refuel the vehicles only at those petrol pumps where Petro Card facility will be available, besides making it mandatory to put the vehicle number on the computerized slip received from the pump and submit the duly filled logbook along with both the receipts -computerized and manual- after getting verify the bills by the 5th of every month and mention accurate amount on the summary sheet, failing which the Petro Card will be blocked and in case of loss of the Petro Card, the driver will be charged.

Drivers have also been directed to abide by the fuel limit and they will be solely responsible for violating the prescribed fuel limit. Drivers have been asked to fill in all the details on the duly signed summary sheet such as their name, mobile number, vehicle number and the name of the minister whom the vehicle has been alloted and mention open/closing meter reading accurately.

Meanwhile, Punjab Transport Minister Mr. Laljit Singh Bhullar urged all the Cabinet Ministers to ensure strict adherence to the instructions by the concerned drivers deputed on their vehicles so that the facility of Petro Card could be run smoothly.